/ > /fap/ > Thread 9894
Age: 42.86d Health: 0% Posters: 6 Posts: 10 Replies: 7 Files: 2+3
>> Anonymous 12oct2016(we)08:33 No.39918 OP P1
[G] This game is a mess. It's a frustrating to play because it gives almost no feedback to go off
of to progress, and even if you know what to do and it's is not worth the time to finish.
But you're going to play it anyway because it is considered a rite of passage at this. So here's
the version with Korra in it.
[IMG] Mixed Heroes Sexy Strip.swf (2.38 MiB)
600x800, Compressed. 10 frames, 12 fps (00:01).
Ver9, AS1/AS2. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 14oct2016(fr)04:29 No.39997 OP P2
Choose a Character
>Set your difficulty to '1' >
Start >
Drag her legs to the side (click the kneecap and move it to the left/right)
>Lift up the skirt/shirt covering the vagina.
>Grab the very top of the panties and slide it off.
>Then, move her hands away from her tits.
>Grab the very top of her shoulder straps and slide them off.
>Once both straps are off (off as in off the shoulder) grab the bottom of her shirt and pull it off.
>To take the socks/boots off, grab the top of the socks/boots near the leg and slide it off.
>Lift up her skirt
>Don't remove her panties
>Once dick is charge (by groping her), hold mouse button and space to press dick against the hem of
her panties. (If you don't make a visible impression, you're doing it wrong.)
>Hold the dick there until it cums, it will register the spurts are IN.
>Recharge dick if necessary.
>After enough IN spurts, she will become much more receptive and stop pushing you off.
This won't do much however, if you take too long.
>> Anonymous 14oct2016(fr)06:24 No.40004 OP P3
Wow, they got lazy with Korra
>> Anonymous 14oct2016(fr)06:34 No.40005 A P4R1
>This game is a mess. It's a frustrating to play because it gives almost no feedback to go off of
to progress, and even if you know what to do and it's is not worth the time to finish
>> Anonymous 14oct2016(fr)06:38 No.40007 OP P5R2
I wanted to see if I could cheat by using swfchan's seeker bar. Didn't work
>> Anonymous 15oct2016(sa)10:55 No.40053 B P6R3
that is actually a fair point.
>> Anonymous 29oct2016(sa)04:07 No.40535 C P7R4
That's fucking horrifying
>> Anonymous 29oct2016(sa)06:28 No.40537 D P8R5
Oh god.
>> Anonymous 29oct2016(sa)07:54 No.40538 OP P9R6
No, it's not horrifying. It's just proof that Korra just had odd preferences when it came to
Why do you think LoK never had a single beach episode?
>> Anony-mouse 19nov2016(sa)06:10 No.41288 E P10R7
She would have worn a wrap-around.
Korra was bad but college Gwen is worse, 2 different color legs.
I normally pull the top down from the top, could be more difficult that way.