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This is resource RL7EVOA, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/9 -2016 18:41:57

Ended:30/9 -2016 01:13:25

Checked:30/9 -2016 02:18:34

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Empowered “Spinsters”.swf-(8.36 MB, 320x176, Other)
[_] Anonymous 09/29/16(Thu)12:36:38 No.3155466

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/16(Thu)12:41:09 No.3155470

  >I was only nine years old
  >I loved Gavin so much, I subscribed to all the podcasts and youtube channels
  >I listen to Gavin every night, thanking him for the skills he taught me
  >"Gavin is love", I say, "Gavin is life"
  >My dad hears me and calls me a nue-male
  >He is obviously jealous of my devotion to Gavin
  >I called him a manbaby
  >He slaps me and sends me to my room
  >I am crying now, because my face hurts
  >I go into my bed, which I built myself
  >I feel a warmth moving towards me
  >I fell something touch me
  >It's Gavin
  >I am so happy
  >He whispers into my ear, "Videogames are for little kids!"
  >He grabs me with his powerful manly hands and puts me on my hands and knees
  >I'm ready
  >I spread my ass cheeks for Gavin
  >He penetrates my butthole
  >It hurts so much, but I do it for Gavin
  >I can feel my anus tearing as my eyes start to water
  >I push against his force
  >I want to please Gavin
  >He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love
  >My dad walks in
  >Gavin looks him deep in the eyes and says, "You're supposed to be building a table or something,
  put down the console you grown manbaby!"
  >Gavin builds a window and leaves through it
  Gavin is love, Gavin is life.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/16(Thu)14:54:58 No.3155503


>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/16(Thu)15:22:54 No.3155506

  >quotes Iron Man
  >uses Iron Man visuals
  >after making a video making fun of people for liking comic books and related media

  Gavin is either a hypocrite or an extremely dedicated troll

>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/16(Thu)17:04:50 No.3155554

  >extremely dedicated troll
  >video about "spinsters"
  >is a spinster

>> [_] Anonymous 09/29/16(Thu)19:12:40 No.3155617

  So what's this guy's niche? Being an ironic asshole? It seems like the market is saturated with
Created: 29/9 -2016 18:41:57 Last modified: 30/9 -2016 02:18:42 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:19:32