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This is resource T66X45E, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/7 -2016 05:29:16

Ended:16/7 -2016 17:54:20

Checked:16/7 -2016 18:01:16

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 57.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Jerry.swf-(4.15 MB, 665x380, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)23:25:08 No.3115174

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)23:32:29 No.3115177

  well this helped with my depression...

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)23:39:04 No.3115185

  Jerry needed a hobby and he needed a passion.
  Jerry just skated through life doing nothing.
  Why did Jerry keep watching TV? He was doing nothing to progress his life.
  Hell, Jerry didn't even try learning new things, or working at a different place. Maybe he'd like
  doing Landscaping or Construction.
  Jerry wasn't getting anything out of his life. In fact, all he did is make more problems for
  himself by avoiding the problems.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)23:44:19 No.3115190

  The rest of the series.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)23:48:24 No.3115191

  >Maybe he'd like doing Landscaping or Construction.
  >being a wagecuck in the first place
  >not living free as nature intended

>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)23:50:37 No.3115192



>> [_] Anonymous 07/15/16(Fri)23:55:11 No.3115195

  >going outside

  this is for you senpai

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)00:03:32 No.3115200

  Fucking Jackie.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)00:16:41 No.3115207

  At least when I kill myself I'm going to shoot up something or divebomb a crowd.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)00:17:49 No.3115209

  If you make plans or notes before your suicide, you don't really want to die. Otherwise, you'd
  just do it.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)00:32:03 No.3115215

  Don't involve innocents in your worthless life, just down some pills and be done with it.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)00:43:22 No.3115220

  leave hints of your conversion to islam beforehand and declare jihad while you do it
  that way at the very least we can use you for anti-muslim sentimentality

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)00:53:30 No.3115226

  >that very last part

  Nigga Jerry didn't deserve that.

  You don't want to be remembered for that, especially if any relatives are alive.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)00:55:30 No.3115228

  Jerry's life was the product of the decisions he made.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:01:04 No.3115232


>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:10:41 No.3115236

  Which is all the more depressing. Suicide is the inevitable result of no longer being able to
  delude yourself regarding that.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:19:29 No.3115242

  Well suicide can be one result of that, or one can exercise a little agency and start changing
  the decisions they're making. If you're considering suicide, then you have no reason to fear
  anything else. If you want to go to war, what's the worst thing that can happen? You die? That's
  what you already wanted to do. You want to quit your job? Okay so maybe you end up homeless or
  dead, at least you tried instead of just killing yourself like some pathetic little bitch.

  You always have options. Life is about knowing what resources you have available to you and
  managing them well. When you're on the brink of suicide, you have no reason not to completely
  expend every resource available to you, and you have no reason to fear failure since the worst
  thing that can happen is nothing for you to fear anymore.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:28:06 No.3115245

  why the fuck does jerry leave his wallet in his drawer when he goes to work

  why the fuck did he take care of the kid when he KNEW he used a condom?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:29:27 No.3115247

  suicide is the result of being unable to take responsibility for your own life and work to
  improve it. People who commit suicide are quick to blame others/the world for what ails them, and
  never do anything about it. Life sucks for everyone, the difference between those who kill
  themselves and those who don't is the will to do something about it.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:30:28 No.3115248

  You're right on the wallet thing, but condoms break, brah.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:31:26 No.3115249

  what if i don't want to die at all?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:34:30 No.3115251

  Then don't kill yourself. If you don't want to die, you clearly are doing enough to see a reason
  to continue with your life. If you don't like certain aspects of your life, then start working on
  ways to improve them. It's not rocket surgery.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:34:30 No.3115252

  the animator blatantly included the condom scene though. He easily could have left that out. I
  think it just further reinforces that Jerry is a cuck who never stood up for himself. Even when
  whores repeatedly steal his money and ask him to raise another man's child, he just rolls over
  and takes it.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:35:48 No.3115253

  but i'm still aging and it makes me sad

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:39:40 No.3115255

  That's outside of our control, at least for now. Time stops for no man. If your youth is all you
  have, maybe you should learn new skills and develop more interests.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:42:58 No.3115257

  >leaves his wallet at home
  >fucks black chicks
  >forgives exes

  wew lad

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:43:59 No.3115258

  He blatantly included the condom scene so the comments wouldn't be filled with "LOL WHAT AN IDIOT
  The fact that he had a child anyways isn't to show that he's a cuck, but that he's extremely

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:44:59 No.3115259

  >fucks black chicks
  check your glasses, she was mexican

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:46:34 No.3115261

  You´d think he would learn about leaving his wallet in his house.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:46:50 No.3115263

  i live in mississippi. i have a PhD in niggers. mexicans dont have hair like that. that was a nog

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:49:17 No.3115265

  >curly hair
  >brown skin

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:50:18 No.3115266

  nappy. its nappy hair. also yes

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:50:56 No.3115267

  >What's the deal with f*ckin' a mexican chick?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:52:05 No.3115268

  I dunno how many Mexicans you've been around, but a lot of them have curly, nappy hair.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)01:56:52 No.3115270

  some mexicans may have curly hair, but ALL niggers have curly hair. say you have a box, and
  theres a 10% chance theres a million dollars, and a 90% chance theres a million wasps. im gonna
  play it safe and say there are wasps up in that there box

  do i trust a man thats dumb enough to leave his wallet at home and forgive exes with "guess the
  minority"? i dont think so

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)02:01:43 No.3115272

  >being this mad

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)02:02:44 No.3115274

  >do i trust a man thats dumb enough to leave his wallet at home and forgive exes with "guess the
  No, you trust the guy who drew the mexican chick.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)02:05:41 No.3115277

  yeah but i can because my parents aren't cucks

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)02:12:17 No.3115283

  sure thing jerry ;^)

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)04:50:17 No.3115333

  Yeah it gets kind of depressing after the first few thousands days.

  I don't miss it, but I do wonder how the hell I broke the cycle. It had to end and it did.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)09:19:10 No.3115396

  Why did he leave his wallet in the drawer in the first place?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)09:19:23 No.3115397

  Jerry was a moron. No one is surprised at his ending. You should only ever trust 2-D. If you're
  gonna trust 3-D, she's gotta be religious or you gotta walk.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)09:24:17 No.3115399

  Trust nobody not even yourself.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)10:37:48 No.3115421

  "No, you trust the guy who drew (and quartered) the mexican chick."
  > fix'd
  also, who leaves there wallet at home while they go to work (realized that i do this right after
  typing it, but my excuse is that i work on a boat.)

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)10:39:31 No.3115422

  what the living fuck are you babbling about now?
  > religion makes whores and psycho bitches.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)10:53:54 No.3115429

  This is my life but without the girls and beer.


  >just develop interests
  >just learn new skills
  >just improve your life
  >just b urself
  Also checked by the way

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)10:56:02 No.3115430

  >C-conservative women are wh-whore and bitches... I w-want a liberal woman who wants me to watch
  her get fucked by a black b-bull.....

  Religious people tend to be more conservative. Conservative women are family based and will do
  whatever they can to keep the family together. Not even that guy.

  >he will never just be himself lmao

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)11:22:53 No.3115438

  If it were a simple choice everyone would have something they loved to do. Sadly that is not the
  case, and some people just have nothing.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)11:23:54 No.3115439

  Good on you anon. Don't let your K:D ratio go tits up just because you suicide.

>> [_] John Moses Browning 07/16/16(Sat)11:25:23 No.3115440

  This is Jerry

  He never scored

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)11:28:12 No.3115442

  Just make sure they're muslims anon
  See how they like it for once

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)11:28:50 No.3115443

  but anon....

  there WERE 2D...

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)11:31:07 No.3115445

  dun dun DUN

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)11:34:39 No.3115446

  yes, but so was he
  3d guys should only trust 2d girls
  thus 2d guys should only trust 1d girls

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)11:35:04 No.3115447

  Living is easy, living is the default state. Suicide, at least rational and measured suicide,
  takes much more willpower than just living day to day. It's just how evolution made us. I mean
  over millions of years, any of our potential ancestors that didn't fear death or found killing
  themselves easy would have ended up evolutionary dead ends.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)11:36:05 No.3115448

  Man, 4D girls must be awful then. Thank goodness we are just 3D

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)11:52:18 No.3115455

  MFW I live Jerry's life cept no QT Mexican bitch to let me ride bareback.
Created: 16/7 -2016 05:29:16 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:18:28 Server time: 08/09 -2024 02:39:09