File: Ethereal.swf-(9.84 MB, 1217x852, Loop)
[_] Chill. Anonymous 07/18/16(Mon)20:16:40 No.3116886
>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/16(Mon)20:24:27 No.3116893
if there were any real places in the world like that in the flash, I'd wanna go there.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/16(Mon)20:30:37 No.3116904
but without the "people" in it
I mean have you zoomed in on them?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/16(Mon)21:06:51 No.3116939
It has always bugged me a little. It's like they finished most of the anatomy and then got super
lazy. It still comes together nicely but I totally understand where you're coming from.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/18/16(Mon)21:29:14 No.3116954
jesus christ I just noticed the noodle arms