File: CAN'T STUMP.swf-(5.23 MB, 720x800, Loop)
[_] Can't Stump the meme Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)07:18:41 No.3140894
>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)08:11:19 No.3140900
when 4chan memed a meme tier candidate into a meme president
>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)09:06:09 No.3140919
When it comes to memes, we just cant be stumped :^)
>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)10:02:56 No.3140936
Hasn't 4chan read the making of Donald Trump yet?
That is the trumps stump fags.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)10:38:47 No.3140942
anyone got a link to this version of the song? i like it a lot
>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)13:04:23 No.3140986
>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)13:24:22 No.3140993
Cant Stop by Junior Senior
>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)13:26:15 No.3140995
well yea, but i mean this flash isnt the original version.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/31/16(Wed)13:56:33 No.3141001
Wow, this flash never getting borring.