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Happy New Year!

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This is resource TRLQS03, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:17/8 -2016 12:58:49

Ended:20/10 -2016 19:15:45

Checked:20/10 -2016 19:22:58

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 9590

Age: 57.25d   Health: 0%   Posters: 11   Posts: 21   Replies: 19   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 17aug2016(we)12:56 No.37813 OP P1


[IMG] jill - triple hanging.swf (659.3 KiB)
640x480, Compressed. 4 frames, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver11, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)02:19 No.37895 A P2R1

Once you hit the point of actually being able to masturbate to other people's physical suffering
and ultimately dying it's time to take your own life.

Not even sarcastically speaking, you're really beyond redeeming at that point

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)03:26 No.37898 B P3R2


I mean, yeah. But, people do get turned on by chocking. "Erotic asphyxiation". I'd feel slightly
different if these were real people and not cartoons.

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)04:02 No.37899 C P4R3

Well aren't we all just delicate little flowers.

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)04:12 No.37900 D P5R4

I think the term you're looking for is "human." Gratz on your 'transcendence', Mr. Edgy.

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)04:18 No.37901 OP P6R5

It's embedded into the male brain to like violence after thousands of years of evolution (30 years
of feminism isn't going to change that, though it certainly confuses boys). You just gotta make
sure to keep it in fantasy where nobody gets hurt.

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)04:24 No.37903 D P7R6

No... It's embedded into the male brain to RESPOND with violence. You know – kill the problem. When
someone wants to kill things that aren't problems or problem-related, then they're wired

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)04:32 No.37907 C P8R7

First faggot calls for death of Sadists, but I'm the edgy one.
Good one.

You are being mean to me online.
You really hurt my feelings.
Where's all the compassion and humanity?

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)04:40 No.37908 D P9R8


Nah, see, there's a difference. He made a suggestion regarding what psychopathic, arguably
necrophiliac sadists ought to do to make the better place. You, however, decided to get derisive
towards the premise of conscience. That puts you in a different league, sunshine.

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)04:44 No.37909 D P10

Incidentally, I know sadists. Actual sadists. Like, the kind that use whips and shit. They
understand limits. Those that don't are outcast. You know nothing about sadism.

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)04:47 No.37910 C P11R9

No no no, see what YOU did was to read too much of your own mindset into my fairly empty comment.

I was merely stating that all human life is like a delicate flower, and should be protected as
such, sweetie.

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)04:48 No.37911 D P12R10

And if this was PostSecret, I'd believe you. Almost. Maybe.

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)04:53 No.37912 C P13R11


"The sadists I know are like this, therefore all sadists are like that"

Nah this is clearly AutismSpeaks

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)07:05 No.37916 D P14R12

Sure, if you want to lend undue weight to a small and odious minority, but if we're going the route
of splitting semantic hairs then I could point out that you started it:

"First faggot calls for death of Sadists"

There is no part of that phrase which is not a stretch, if not an outright inaccuracy. But never
mind that. I've got people to be and places to do tomorrow, I got about 5 hours sleep last night,
and I'm down to about 6 now until I have to get up and deal with life. So yeah, priorities
intervene. Have a good one.

>> Gran Autisimo 19aug2016(fr)09:05 No.37918 E P15R13

Hot. Makes me want to fucking kill myself.

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)09:52 No.37920 F P16R14

While I find it fucked up that this is meant for "fap" material, I've found this game quite
entertaining to break

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)14:30 No.37930 C P17R15

>then I could point out that you started it
Not really.

>There is no part of that phrase which is not a stretch
He made an absolute statement that a whole group of people should kill themselves.

wow 6 hours, now you're just bragging.
You're an adult, I'm sure you'll manage.

Have a good one.

>> Anonymous 19aug2016(fr)16:45 No.37934 G P18R16

Ditto, I was actually hoping for the capability of putting them in pre/after death sex positions
but yeah you cant.

>> Anonymous 20aug2016(sa)03:14 No.37958 H P19R17

Will this thread reach "beef curtains" levels of autism and butthurt? I hope it does.

>> Anonymous 20aug2016(sa)09:08 No.37966 I P20R18

It's on the way to that level it seems. But to keep the ball rolling, cherry poptarts are the
superior poptart.

>> Anonymous 22aug2016(mo)03:56 No.38206 J P21R19

What the fuck
Created: 17/8 -2016 12:58:49 Last modified: 20/10 -2016 19:24:15 Server time: 03/01 -2025 03:15:46