/ > /fap/ > Thread 9928
Age: 47.64d Health: 0% Posters: 5 Posts: 7 Replies: 6 Files: 1+3
>> Dumper 16oct2016(su)04:15 No.40082 OP P1
Vault Meat
Original by Shadman.
[IMG] Vault_Meat.swf (23.2 KiB)
450x320, Compressed. 15 frames, 28 fps (00:01).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 16oct2016(su)05:33 No.40083 A P2R1
Shadman has made the original character, but I believe https://www.patreon.com/RuthlessPeasant is
the one drawing these for the SexTec.
>> Anonymous 16oct2016(su)07:17 No.40086 B P3R2
What a coincidence, I just closed down "Fallout 1.5: Resurrection" after playing for a couple of
hours. It's a fan-made mod project for Fallout 2 that I can strongly recommend, very well done.
Takes place between the first and second game.
What is SexTec?
>> Anonymous 16oct2016(su)08:39 No.40087 C P4R3
I see your attempt to promote your work, RP.
>> Anonymous 17oct2016(mo)10:48 No.40109 A P5R4
Yeah but no. I'm not him. I only linked the patreon because it's the only thing I know of, other
than the lab, where he has his stuff.
Fallout equivalent of SexLab Frameworks.
>> Anonymous 17oct2016(mo)17:53 No.40112 B P6R5
>SexLab Frameworks
That still doesn't say me anything. Guess you wanted me to Google it. Now I know.
>> Anonymous 20oct2016(th)00:48 No.40213 D P7R6
So... A dog's breakfast of a mod from a dog's breakfast of a site populated by modders whose
documentation is a dog's breakfast, all reliant upon a dog's breakfast which relies upon another
dog's breakfast in turn, installed using a dog's breakfast. That the one?