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Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3143858/share-your-son… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10. Discovered flash files: 1
File: Vector-Stunt.swf-(2.68 MB, 700x420, Game) [_] Share your song and score Anonymous 09/05/16(Mon)22:14:24 No.3143858 Judge each other's shit taste. >> [_] Anonymous 09/05/16(Mon)23:02:28 No.3143883 252,900 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAuYSuPBbUQ >> [_] Anonymous 09/05/16(Mon)23:17:59 No.3143892 Hail the Nightmare - Bloodbourne 415,850 Notes collected: 5 stars Number of jumps: 4.5 stars Number of stunts: 5 stars Stunt Diversity: 4.5 stars Staying on track: 5 stars Final rating: 5 stars >> [_] ▌▌ !D0CT0R5JCg 09/05/16(Mon)23:59:06 No.3143914 https://i.sli.mg/9EtxvP.png https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6NaZrPQGfY >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/16(Tue)02:01:30 No.3143973 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajxdB7O6cl0 249,750 Notes collected: 5 stars Number of jumps: 5 stars Number of stunts: 5 stars Stunt Diversity: 4.5 stars Staying on track: 5 stars Final rating: 5 stars >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/16(Tue)02:08:01 No.3143975 >>3143858 won't work unless i close my other flash based things. Not worth the hassle. >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/16(Tue)02:20:23 No.3143980 I just came here to say the default song offered was worthy of thursgay. >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/16(Tue)03:01:09 No.3143994 >>3143858 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bp1ZkMq26A8 323,800 Notes: 3 1/2 jumps: 4 1/2 stunts: 2 stunt diversity: 3 1/2 staying on track: 5 >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/16(Tue)03:21:27 No.3143998 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IT-BlxCCw6o 680,300 Notes: 5 jumps: 5 stunts: 3 stunt diversity: 3.5 staying on track: 5 Final rating: 4.5 >> [_] Anonymous 09/06/16(Tue)03:42:02 No.3144003 >>3143858 DJ Y alias JY - Midnight City In Your Eyes 205200 Notes: 5 jumps: 5 stunts: 4 stunt diversity: 4 staying on track: 5 final rating: 4.5 |