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Happy New Year!

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This is resource URG11QO, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:1/8 -2016 04:03:42

Ended:1/8 -2016 06:59:18

Checked:1/8 -2016 08:50:03

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 3.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Smokebreak.swf-(1.35 MB, 500x340, Loop)
[_] Sundays blow ass. Anonymous 07/31/16(Sun)22:00:28 No.3125011


>> [_] Anonymous 07/31/16(Sun)22:17:26 No.3125021

  Nothing quite like smoking a nice American Spirit

  I feel like I'm getting wheezy though and I match the symptoms of COPD and fuck man I'm only 20
  so I cut it out, cold turkey no problem. I only smoked for a year and smoked no more than 5
  packages of 20. Guess I'm unlucky when it comes to genetics.

  I'm not getting cravings, but man I miss the feeling. I wonder if drinking will give me something
  similar, probably not as instant though.

  There was nothing quite like sitting out in the park on a bench after a long night of work and
  lighting up a cigarette while this played on headphones

  That slight feeling of euphoria, a big smile washes over my face, for 20 minutes everything seems
  alright in the world. The taste of the smoke, the light from the end of the cigarette, the smoke
  swirling all around as a soft breeze blows and all my worries seem to just melt away. Man, I miss

>> [_] Anonymous 08/01/16(Mon)00:54:36 No.3125093

  Anon, I admire that piece. I know the work of Satie dearly, it defines life moments for me as
  well. When you look back at those memories they're almost too defined for such a small footprint
  in your life I'm sure. A moment you'll watch again throughout your years. I feel confident in
  assuming that as I am this way; similar however coffee is my vice and muse. Be careful anon,
  notice those moments in every day or you'll always be looking back! Take care!
Created: 1/8 -2016 04:03:42 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:20:03 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:56:45