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This is resource UW4TMNP, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/10 -2016 05:14:04

Ended:3/10 -2016 06:43:58

Checked:3/10 -2016 06:55:52

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 37.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: anon_partyhard348.swf-(269 KB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Till the bitter end lads Old Man Sou !!c6N8js+QjEQ 10/02/16(Sun)23:10:21 No.3157574

  I've spent the better part of the last decade here on /f/, I love you all and may we see this
  storm through the other side the same we've always done it over the years.

  Party on /f/ellas all the way to the last second of the last day and if we make it to 2017 let's
  keep the party eternal just as it always has been. Here's to you, you glorious bastards.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Former Ryder Club Vice President !T/nuP8UdCs 10/02/16(Sun)23:14:07 No.3157578

  Bless you magnificent bastard.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:15:48 No.3157582

  Set sail for /f/ail!

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:28:27 No.3157598

  Thanks for everything Sou. I might have not been here long but its thanks to you that I decided
  to start browsing /f/ over a year ago and now its one of the only boards I visit. Heres hoping
  for the best.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:41:48 No.3157610

  What the hell is going on? I see all this stuff about /f/ dying and it's scaring me. Are they
  getting rid of the board?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:43:43 No.3157612

  til the bitter end

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:44:46 No.3157613

  i think that hiroshima sold the site to the jews

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:46:38 No.3157615

  Hiroyuki made a thread about 4chan no longer meeting server costs and that some boards may need
  to be cut. Martin Shkreli offered to join "join the 4Chan board of directors" and Hiroyuki
  tweeted to him that they would discuss it. Hiroyuki in a PM to Shkreli says he had no intention
  of selling the site.
  Basically, it's been a chaotic fucking day with everyone including this board being in a panic. I
  don't think there's anything to worry about really. This board contributes so little to 4chan's
  server load that there'd be no real point in deleting it.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:47:48 No.3157618

  They MIGHT be. It's still a full-blown shitstorm. Hiro doesn't have the money to keep 4chan up so
  he is thinking of either closing some boards, putting up various ads that shit down users'
  throats or hoping people buy Pass enough. Nonetheless, it's looking bleak for us, since swf is
  getting abandoned in the future.

  If it truly is the end, let it be an end to remember. This board is what captivated me in the
  first place. Let it captivate me once more.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:48:55 No.3157619

  Hiroshimoot said 4chan has to cut some boards because bandwidth.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:50:29 No.3157622

  Martin Shkreli. The guy that's a fucking walking dickwaffle. Oh shit, things are worse than I

  How the hell is it that Hiroshi fucked the website up this badly? Moot struggled before, but we
  went from a precarious balance on the peak to a fucking freefall down the side of a mountain
  almost immediately.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:55:56 No.3157626

  I guess it's because m00t cared for his child, no matter the mutation and sick content. Hiro has
  no feelbound. And wasn't it only anticipated when Hiro took over?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:56:32 No.3157628

  Japs were never good with managing logistics.
  They went to war with the world's greatest industrial power remember.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:57:13 No.3157629

  >Hiro doesn't have the money to keep 4chan up
  *hiro pretends not to have the money

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:57:41 No.3157631

  >How the hell is it that Hiroshi fucked the website up this badly? Moot struggled before, but we
  went from a precarious balance on the peak to a fucking freefall down the side of a mountain
  almost immediately.
  But that's really the thing here. We've just been taking Hiro's word for it that 4chan is in
  danger of shutting down. These new pass features and him shutting down the self-serving ads and
  advertisements make me wonder if he isn't just doing this to try and drive up the sales of
  passes. He clearly is looking to profit off of this site and we have to always keep that in mind
  when dealing with him now. His PM to Shkreli should serve as plenty evidence that the whole "me
  no speak english good" thing is nothing more than a ruse to trick people into thinking he's
  incompetent. Like how Nipplegate on /a/ last year might have been staged to establish faith in
  him amongst /a/nons.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:58:40 No.3157633

  I don't go on /a/, what was it?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/02/16(Sun)23:59:52 No.3157638

  >How the hell is it that Hiroshi fucked the website up this badly
  He didn't. One, the election brings in tons of new people (who contribute very little and
  definitely don't buy passes). Two, the site has ALWAYS been a flaming pile of garbage - moot
  reported that when 4chan passes were doing well they were just managing to break even. Moot was
  willing to prop this site up with his own sweat and blood (and then we made him leave, because
  we're fucking retarded).

  Also, J-List dropped its ads. They've been 4chan's most reliable advertisers for years and years,
  and I suspect some of that was charity.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:02:58 No.3157642

  A mod supposedly went rogue and announced a ban on images from non-hentai anime that showed off
  nipples which was contrary to an established principle. He did this inside a single thread so at
  first it was limited to anyone inside that thread and whoever read the /qa/ newsletter. Then, the
  same mod made a sticky on /a/ about proposing new rules for the board and that was when the shit
  really hit the fan. I just have to wonder if the whole thing was a setup based on how long it
  went on despite Hiroyuki having knowledge about it and the fact that it certainly seemed like the
  mod was trying to stir shit up intentionally.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:06:29 No.3157644

  You know? Go fuck yourself. Every time something happens to this site, it's a fucking conspiracy
  with you retards. Gamergate was a conspiracy too according to you shits, and look where that got
  us. Moot having to go into personal debt back when was a fabrication to make feel sorry for him,
  I'm sure.

  How the fuck do you think this site makes money? Take a fucking look. This site serves images to
  god knows how many people a day, who make the site absolutely nothing because most people are
  running ad block (in fact, I'd wager 4chan users are disproportionally inclined to run adblock).
  And god knows most people don't buy passes.

  None of you fucks remember donate or die. None of you remember when this site used to go down
  constantly. The hell do you think 4chan runs on? Magic? It's a fucking miracle the site has been
  around this long. The idea that 4chan going bankrupt isn't an elaborate moneymaking scheme is the
  most ludicrous meme.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:06:41 No.3157645

  guy who drew /f/ tan here


  I'll miss you guys

  truly the last oldfag board.

  the last bastion of what truly is


>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:08:57 No.3157649

  Is your stuff on

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:10:21 No.3157651

  Preach on /f/aggot

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:12:29 No.3157654

  yeah man

  pretty much 80 percent of all /f/ tans were drawn by me

  I love this place. I don't want to see it go.

  if this place does die, I'll draw the best damn tribute to /f/lash I think I'm capable of

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:14:57 No.3157655

  moot bless you, man. I hope whatever ends up happening here, you keep on making stuff.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:15:36 No.3157657

  Hiro basically said we need to delete some boards or spend serious cash on 4chan passes in order
  to save the site and for some reason there's this impression that /f/ is on the chopping block.
  Also Martin Shkreli implied he's bought the site but there's 0 concrete evidence of that.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:18:50 No.3157664

  Reasons /f/ would be on the chopping block:
  >Small userbase
  >High bandwidth:user ratio
  >Flash (the program) is outdated as fuck and people have been pushing to get rid of it

  Reasons why it wouldn't
  >Deleting it wouldn't do much to help 4chan, I think. We're so small that we just don't cost much
  bandwidth at the end of the day.

  Ultimately it's out of our hands though.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:18:52 No.3157666

  Listen, I don't believe the conspiracy theory bullshit that Hiroshi's an evil mastermind. But I
  have to wonder what the fuck he's doing that he's asking the living Summer's Eve douche bottle
  known as Martin Shkreli for help. Something's fucky here, and it isn't the pressure to sell

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:21:38 No.3157669

  Lets dispel this fiction that Hiro doesnt know what hes doing.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:21:57 No.3157670

  the 7th chan has a swf board that is pretty nice
  we should all migrate there if shit hits the fan

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:22:44 No.3157672

  so its decided then?

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:22:50 No.3157673

  He didn't ask for help. Shkreli tweeted something about wanting to be on the board of directors.

  Shkreli likes to troll people. A while back, peole in the Magic: The Gathering community (if you
  aren't familiar with it, it's a trading card game) were calling certain scummy traders "the
  Martin Shkreli of Magic." Shkreli got wind of this, and made a post on the largest Magic
  community asking how he could get into Magic. Of course, he had no fucking intention of getting
  into Magic; he just wanted to fuck with people.

  And that's what he's doing now. He heard that 4chan is in its current state (probably from some
  /pol/ memetard) and made a tweet to fuck with people.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:23:52 No.3157674

  Bad omen there satan.

  Anything super bad about Mr.Shkreli? I know that he has some pretty unfair business practices
  from his pharmaceutical companies.

  Thank you for correcting the record.

  I vote for swfchan. 7chan has a shitty layout and the multiple posting of flashes in a thread
  does way more harm than good.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:28:23 No.3157678

  I still think 7 is better because not only do we get all 0-12 pages, you can reply to the OP with
  swf giving us dedicated threads for certain types of swf games or videos.

  The layout may be shitty but its more similar to 4chan than swfchan

  not only that but the mods there actually kick out the cancer just like back in the old days

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:30:17 No.3157681

  >Also, J-List dropped its ads.
  hourly reminder that J-List has always come and gone

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:33:58 No.3157685

  I'd choose over 7, since you get another page and have almost exactly
  the same format as over here.

  I don't think /f/ needs 12 pages, the userbase is small.

  I remember them gone last year for a few months.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:35:24 No.3157686

  They'll probably advertise again once the election is over. I imagine they simply don't want
  their name being dragged through the mud.

>> [_] Anonymous 10/03/16(Mon)00:43:28 No.3157693

  we already have one foot in the door at 7 ever since /b/ day
  the community there is also pretty good and void of newfags
  also some boards don't use captcha
Created: 3/10 -2016 05:14:04 Last modified: 25/4 -2017 08:36:10 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:11:03