File: Can't Stump.swf-(5.23 MB, 720x800, Loop)
[_] Cant Stump the Trump Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)02:59:39 No.3121569
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)04:17:16 No.3121595
>that almost instant 4 point poll climb after rnc
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)04:21:18 No.3121597
The best part is that Hilla the Hun gets no convention bounce due to the whole DWS email/rigged
primary scandal. The afterBerners are boarding the Trump Train in yuge numbers!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)04:22:29 No.3121598
the amount of autists that support trump really worries me
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)04:25:32 No.3121599
Where do you think you are? We're all autists here. Even me, even you, even OP.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)04:28:03 No.3121600
>even OP
especially OP
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)05:17:25 No.3121619
united autists for Trump
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)06:45:03 No.3121651
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)07:34:31 No.3121664
Lol now if only he had the qualifications to lead a nation.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)07:55:37 No.3121672
>Implying obama had the qualifications to lead the nation
A hearty kek to you on this tuesday morning too, my good man :D .
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)10:15:45 No.3121712
Finally, the evil plot of creating a generation of autists through poisoned vaccines backfired!
The reptiloids will lose!
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)11:07:17 No.3121720
Hillary already shown how she appreciates Fair Elections.
Trump at least not liar. BTW how do you like version what Trump is Russian agent? I lol'd.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)11:16:55 No.3121725
the amount of delusional morons that support hillary really worries me
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/16(Tue)11:19:39 No.3121726
Trump is Hitler and if you vote for him you are also Hitler.
Trump may have powerful blue piercing eyes but his soul is covered in the red of Hitler.