File: Inspirational Clock v0.5.swf-(8.34 MB, 200x350, Loop)
[_] It's back today also SadGuy !!B4ObmQpPVyW 08/11/16(Thu)16:58:16 No.3131013
* Adjusted limits for the smooth setting (press d)
^note that this is really fucking glitchy. and i'm not about to fix this shit, it sucks. use at
own risk
* Better context menu
* Added another track
* Fixed some bugs
* Added new loading text
* Added new phrases (currently 17 total)
* Added fps measure (press f)
^It's ugly, i know. however it works, and thats fine by me.
As usual, feedback encuraged and appriciated
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)17:27:25 No.3131028
I like it.
The phrases are kind of mad gay though. Like the the saccharine "inspirational" quotes the peppy
office secretary sends to everyone in the office for some asinine reason even though it's
supposed to be a work email.
>> [_] SadGuy !!B4ObmQpPVyW 08/11/16(Thu)17:29:55 No.3131030
I see what you mean.
however i'm not sure how to adress that issue
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)17:32:04 No.3131031
I'm sure you're aware of this but the spin button could be more subtle
>> [_] SadGuy !!B4ObmQpPVyW 08/11/16(Thu)17:32:57 No.3131032
yeah, but i want people to notice it though
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)17:34:01 No.3131035
Trying to reliably push past 60 FPS. Here is my setup:
Windows 7 64-bit
i7 4770K @ 4GHZ
16 GB DDR3
GTX 770 (latest certified driver)
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)17:35:46 No.3131038
the only one I disliked was the "fall down 2 times get up 3 times"
if you fall down 2 times you can't get up 3 times.
it should say fall down 1000 times get up 1000 times or something
you can't get up more times then you've fallen
thats like saying buy 2 sodas but drink 3
>> [_] SadGuy !!B4ObmQpPVyW 08/11/16(Thu)17:36:32 No.3131040
This flash is locked at 60 fps, sorry
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)17:37:57 No.3131042
Well there really isn't a fix if it's integral to what you want it to be. Just thought I'd
exercise my inalienable right to complain about things on the internet. .
>> [_] SadGuy !!B4ObmQpPVyW 08/11/16(Thu)18:04:13 No.3131053
It's from an japanese proverb
fair enough
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)19:17:50 No.3131076
According to the Indians on Quora:
>Everyone stands up first. We start up standing, from the moment we get up from bed, from the
moment we make a decision and take action, we are standing. If we fall, we already stood up once,
thus, we've stood more than fallen at any given time.
Also, apparently it's seven and eight and not two and three. I guess for historical accuracy you
should correct those numbers.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)19:21:46 No.3131078
If the Indians were so great why did they get obliterated? .
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)19:30:34 No.3131082
I know this song but I can't remember where it's from... Hey OP, could you maybe add the source
to your flash in the next version? Just put it under the canvas so you can view it via resizing.
That way less people would ask for it.
>> [_] SadGuy !!B4ObmQpPVyW 08/11/16(Thu)19:44:52 No.3131088
try rightclick
well, twice and trice sounds better though
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)19:48:40 No.3131090
>try rightclick
Ah, I see. Not many people put information there. The resize trick is way more common here.
>> [_] SadGuy !!B4ObmQpPVyW 08/11/16(Thu)19:51:51 No.3131091
i know, but resizing requires opening in a new tab. but I can probably add one underneath the
stage for good measure
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)20:18:02 No.3131106
I like how the phrases take on a different meaning once you put the metal music on
>your life has value - your organs have more on the black market though
>nothing is certain - except death, that's pretty much a given
>don't let a failure stop you - you can always finish the job next time
>noone is truly alone - the voices will always be with you
>shatter your limits - and their skulls
Make the metal song instrumental though, and it'll be a 10/10
As it stands gonna have to give a 9.5 (plus .5 points for the house joke - ya got me)
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)20:24:09 No.3131114
Cool, now I can watch my life tick away second by second AND see inspirational quotes that feel
like life is mocking me! I can wallow in depression twice as hard now! Thanks anon!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)20:30:31 No.3131122
what's the meaning of the spin2win button?
>> [_] SadGuy !!B4ObmQpPVyW 08/11/16(Thu)20:33:57 No.3131125
lol, I never thought about it that way.
It sucks that there isn't a good instrumental cover of that song though
there's an app(swf) for that:
I liked the intro sequence, so I made a "replay button"
and it adds a little depth to this flash
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)21:05:04 No.3131132
why is he called sad guy? does the have the depress?
im hungry
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)21:09:29 No.3131133
*hands you a hamburger cooked medium-well*
>> [_] SadGuy !!B4ObmQpPVyW 08/11/16(Thu)21:10:31 No.3131134
The first flash i posted was named sad truth, so I just adopted the name.
Don't tell anyone, but I've heard eating cures it. You didn't hear it from me
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)21:10:40 No.3131135
*puts lots of ketchup on it"
sorry, forget
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)21:37:31 No.3131145
haha thanks looks great
*waits until you leave and puts it in the bin*
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)21:53:09 No.3131155
I didn't order my hamburger ruined you fuckstick, make it again, this time medium rare.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)22:00:20 No.3131157
here's a pretty good metal (kind of) cover.
unfortunately with vocals though.
just finished the third arc on steam. i watched the show almost 6 years ago now. time passes too
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)22:11:10 No.3131162
>Foreground Eclipse
My fucking nigger, great taste /f/am
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/16(Thu)22:14:27 No.3131164
this flash sucks
- frame is too small, make it larger
- aspect ratio be wider rather than taller to fit both the time and text in a single line
-color palette should not default to red/black with calm music
-presentation itself is too primitive, add shaders filters background or something to make it
more appealing
-the idea itself sucks, taskbar already has a clock and i'd rather listen to a jukebox + browse
rather than stare at something redundant and pointless
tl;dr go fuck yourself
>> [_] SadGuy !!B4ObmQpPVyW 08/11/16(Thu)22:14:32 No.3131165
what I was looking for was an instrumental version of the metal track which already is in the
flash. but the song was great though. There may probably be something that is similar though,
hmmm.. I need to look into this
I've always wanted to read trough the vn's, but I've never found the time for it, thanks for the
info though.