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This is resource XH93MWT, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/7 -2016 06:12:17

Ended:16/7 -2016 19:30:13

Checked:16/7 -2016 20:54:30

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: popo.swf-(7.39 MB, 1136x640, Game)
[_] It's Friday Night, You Ain't Got No Job, And You Ain't Got Shit To Do Anonymous
07/16/16(Sat)00:09:05 No.3115203

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)05:02:00 No.3115336

  wtf.... ive been here for2 hours now

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)05:04:43 No.3115338

  man I left this game open in another tab for over a week and still didn't have all the shit, this
  game is designed to never fucking end, it has crazy amounts of new game plus shit going on

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)05:22:15 No.3115342


  In just over two hours I've made 1,571B gold
  I have an auto clicker clicking 55 times a second.
  It basically doubles my DPS constantly.
  But yes, I can tell, that even with this, very little progress has been made

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)05:26:58 No.3115343

  made it to 1800 on a full idle build
  progress got really slow
  lost patience
  taking a break from it

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)05:32:37 No.3115345

  Yeah. I just pulled out at zone 54.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)05:34:10 No.3115346

  if you want so see how far the rabbit hole gos, look at the achievements for gold earned.

  after a while they just stop being real numbers

  Filthy Rich: Receive (cumulative) 1,000e74 gold

  wtf even is that

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)05:41:18 No.3115348

  I am way past all those achievements.
  You get there well before zone 1800.
  I forgot when exactly I reached it.
  Its just a counting system. Once you reach it it makes perfect sense. Not complicated.
  The only achievements left for me are just getting zone achievements every 200 zones or so up to

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)06:03:36 No.3115353

  Scientific(ish) notation. It means you hae 1000 × 1074 gold, or 1077 gold. For reference there
  are 1078 to 1082 atoms in the observable universe.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)06:05:58 No.3115354

  4chan fucked up my notation. It's 1000 × 10^74, or 10^77. The estimate for the number of atoms
  ranges from 10^78 to 10^82.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)06:10:33 No.3115356

  >1,000 is 1000
  Burgers disgust me.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)06:23:26 No.3115360

  And yet "Burgers" invented that electricity you're using, the internet and your toilet.
  So maybe show some respect for "the Burgers" hmm?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)06:29:48 No.3115361

  >Obese sack of shit taking credit for the accomplishments of a handful of bright minds
  India has a space program, doesn't make it any less of a shithole.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)06:31:18 No.3115362

  why is this called "popo.swf" if it's actually clickerheroes?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)06:33:34 No.3115363

  Just saying America invented modern democratic systems and the idea of people ruling themselves
  rather then getting ruled over (ala Monarchies).
  We also invented most modern day technology that makes life so easy for the average NEET (you).
  We are also the wealthiest and most powerful country in world history.

  America might be shit now in relative terms but its mark on history and its accomplishments are

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)06:35:00 No.3115364

  First of all. I am skinny.
  Second of all. We landed on the moon.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)07:09:32 No.3115373

  I have no idea, it's just what it was called the first time it was uploaded so that's what i
  saved it as

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)07:28:47 No.3115378

  I like to think someone, long ago, started this shitty game and now has to re-post it because
  they don't want to go back to the beginning.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)10:16:47 No.3115417

  >the first time
  I see where this is going.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)10:52:23 No.3115428

  that's not good enough. i demand some Mr Popo content, preferably something team fourstar
  related. you have five minutes.

>> [_] Anonymous 07/16/16(Sat)13:29:14 No.3115493

  I broke it. I imported a save, game glitched out, refreshed and now there's no play button.
Created: 16/7 -2016 06:12:17 Last modified: 16/7 -2016 20:54:48 Server time: 22/12 -2024 21:59:01