File: mop.swf-(1.85 MB, 480x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 07/17/16(Sun)04:28:04 No.3115989
>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/16(Sun)11:33:58 No.3116057
Who the fuck actually makes these pieces of ass?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/16(Sun)11:39:48 No.3116058
you're talking about the old wild wild west of animation of the early ass newgrounds.
He's also responsible for making Potter Puppets, and The Ultimate Showdown
>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/16(Sun)11:44:08 No.3116060
Cicierga made this?
I liked some of the older ones, the 2ch ones were pretty nice, but MAN do alot of these new ones
just come off as pretentious, especially when they feature LE ANONYMOUS and I just come to
fucking hate all of them by association
>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/16(Sun)12:03:22 No.3116061
I'm sorry, "new"?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/16(Sun)12:04:57 No.3116063
nah man, look at it as a homage to the early classics.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/16(Sun)12:05:16 No.3116064
this is an animutation. they were really popular in the early to mid 2000's. neil cicierega
pioneered them. early ones included the japanese pokerap and hyakukojyuuichi
>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/16(Sun)12:15:29 No.3116067
If you come to 4chan and expect anything to be not hated by association, you've come to the wrong
>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/16(Sun)12:44:33 No.3116081
it's ok anon, almost all of it is older than you either way
>> [_] Anonymous 07/17/16(Sun)13:04:03 No.3116087
Neil Cicierega made these when he was 17 or something. he also did potter puppet pals and a
Smashmouth tribute album