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Original location:… Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 5. Discovered flash files: 1 File: WhenYouFallFromGraceItsALongWayDown.swf-(2.34 MB, 832x624, Other) [_] Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)22:08:39 No.3149480 My dog, that I've had since I was 8, is about to be put down and I can't see him since I'm in college. I am pretty broken up about it and I don't know where to turn for help. Anyways, here is one of my favorite flashes Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 09/16/16(Fri)22:15:02 No.3149484 >>3149480 This is a nice flash. And sorry man. You'll probably feel sad for awhile. Just remember all things eventually pass on. Its the natural cycle of things. I bet you gave your dog a great life full of happiness. Can't ask for much more or expect much better. Time gets us all in the end though. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)01:47:52 No.3149575 >>3149480 that sucks man, but take heart in the fact that he lived a good long life. both of the last dogs I've owned have gotten out on the road and gotten hit. the 2nd one was my best friend through middle school and high school and was only 7 at the time. didn't even die right away either, some lady found him a short time after the first asshole left him on the side of the road and took him in to the vet, he had swelling in the brain and ended up dying surrounded by complete strangers. ...fuck me, that was 6 years ago and that part still fucks with me. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)04:18:25 No.3149636 Sorry man, I remember when my parents had our family dog of 14 years put down. They didn't even tell me until a few days later. I miss that poor ol' pupper. She was literally the best dog I've ever met. >> [_] Anonymous 09/17/16(Sat)05:07:24 No.3149645 >>3149480 nice meme! |