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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource YYBPTHU, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:25/7 -2016 09:31:20
8.6 years ago.

Ended:25/7 -2016 18:01:29
8.6 years ago.

Checked:25/7 -2016 18:42:38
8.6 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: lovehinasimdaterpg.swf-(3.35 MB, 620x380, Game)
[_] Anonymous 07/25/16(Mon)03:27:42 No.3120957

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/16(Mon)04:04:45 No.3120968


>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/16(Mon)04:52:48 No.3120977

  tell me the cheat codes this shit is impossible

>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/16(Mon)04:52:51 No.3120978

  when and where would cigarettes and a banana be worth the same?

>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/16(Mon)04:55:04 No.3120981

  what's the best build

  I think you could either go all into INT or half and half into strength and magic

>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/16(Mon)05:13:49 No.3120987

  where the fuck does the HP leak to?

  fuck this shit game

>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/16(Mon)05:28:11 No.3120992

  ok after playing the game it's clear strength is the most important by far

  go all in into strength

>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/16(Mon)10:10:32 No.3121060

  The Springs Are Hell: hellissprings
  Start with $250,000: moneygrowsontrees
  Play as Naru: naruhaseyes
  Insane conversations: sofarsogood
  Shinobu dress up game: rainbowsrgood
  Motoko dress up game: motokoismotoko
  Secret movie: eva4hidden
  All moves: allyourmoves
  All stats are 100: theincredibleyou
  Mutsune dress up game: smashwatermelons
  Random credits: randomamv
  Girls walk around with less clothing: crazygirlmot

>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/16(Mon)10:15:44 No.3121062

  What. The. Fuck
  I haven't played this game since it was on Armorgames back in 2007. I fucking thought of this at
  work two nights ago and was able to remember the nude cheats. Motokoismotoko, Smashwatermelons,
  and Rainbowsrgood as if I'd just played it yesterday. Holy fuck is this game old!

>> [_] Anonymous 07/25/16(Mon)11:38:16 No.3121085

  i done beat the game.
  Does this make me a weeaboo?

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Created: 25/7 -2016 09:31:20 Last modified: 25/7 -2016 18:43:07 Server time: 17/03 -2025 23:49:09