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Threads (2):
File: MoeMoe Foul 反則だよ.swf-(152 KB, 500x600, Japanese) [_] Anon 2988991 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 2988998 so... slap her with her dick and rub it up against her and her friend... kinda weak >> [_] Anon 2989016 This artists needs to study anatomy a bit more, some pretty vital organs are missing >> [_] Anon 2989018 thats a dude lol you cant fool me who makes these btw >> [_] Anon 2989028 >># >her >> [_] Anon 2989050 >># moemoe >> [_] Anon 2989076 >># There's a 2nd scene ya scrub.
File: MoeMoe Foul 反則だよ.swf-(152 KB, 500x600, Hentai) [_] Yay Sunday! Lighto~ 2919314 >> [_] Anon 2919325 How to insert penis? >> [_] Anon 2919351 >># please help >> [_] Anon 2919358 >># looks to me like the nipple and dick slap is all there is >> [_] Anon 2919362 >># no swfplayer says otherwise >> [_] Anon 2919367 >># Pressing tab shows them as the only clickable objects, dunno what to tell you. >> [_] Lighto~ 2919368 If you spam the dick slap (e.g. with tab and space), idk you have to click some too, you come to a text choice. Press no and it takes you to another screen. Click everything (fingertips!) and a penis should appear. Don't know about insertion though! >> [_] Anon 2919421 >># Press space for dialogue. After dialogue click dick for cum. In second scene, space for penis. Click tip for cum. Also found: >rotation (c/v), zooming(z/x). >Auto dick rub "a" or click the upper right corner. >Some screen setting thing on "j" I think. That's it. |