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>> Anonymous 2dec2016(fr)18:11 No.41657 OP P1
[G] Sailor Venus Hentai Game
Have fun....
[IMG] sailor venus trapped girl.swf (57.82 MiB)
835x600, Compressed. 175 frames, 30 fps (00:06).
Ver27, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 2dec2016(fr)18:33 No.41658 A P2R1
Jesus Christ, where the fuck do I start and what does any of this moonspeak mean?
>> Anonymous 2dec2016(fr)21:02 No.41668 B P3R2
Dude i can't even tell
The one thing i can suss from it is that:
Turn the ecstasy button to charge so she doesn't orgasm instantly.
I'm guessing it's there just so you can grind points more easily, i don't know what the two options
there is a little energy bar, one click depletes it by one point, once you run out of energy you
get booted to the next screen.
Basically dump all of your stat points (screen with the boy) into the first bar, it's your energy.
You can buy things from the old guy like a vibrator and anal beads
This game kinda sucks, but if you do like a shit ton of grinding at the start and then buy out the
old guy and dump all of your points into energy it might be okay.
>> Anonymous 2dec2016(fr)22:06 No.41669 C P4R3
I may make a guide later for these type of games
I have the other games made by this creator but never upload them here cause almost no one here
knows a lick of japanese.
>> Anonymous 3dec2016(sa)01:42 No.41671 D P5R4
onother story
>> Anonymous 3dec2016(sa)17:02 No.41699 E P6R5
I believe the last option in the bottom menu that costs 5 points gives you infinite energy, one of
the other ones (i think the first) gives you bonus cash for making her cum. On the old man screen I
don't know where your money is or what the last option costs, but when you buy it it gives you an
extra point after every time you play. You can respec your stats after getting over 10 or 20 in 2
stats i think
>> Anonymous 3dec2016(sa)17:22 No.41700 E P7
Turns out your money is the last thing on the left, and his price is the number*10k points.
You seem to get points for the man and your stats even if you just go in and leave
>> Anonymous 4dec2016(su)19:43 No.41731 C P8R6
the items in the shop are as follows
Vibe 100k yen
anal toy 100k yen
13k yen thing is a skip function and I think allows you to extend the "play time" you get with
venus when she climaxes
in the H UI the only think you may not understand is the last option on the right side, it just
hides most of the the UI.
in the Special UI
going from left to right
Style - change the PoV
Position- changes the position of the face camera
gasses- adds/removes glasses
Pubic hair- adds/removes pubic hair
Censor bar- adds/removes facial censor
Title- Return to the title screen
cum- will add/remove cum to her
Pierce- will add/remove nipple piercings
>> Anonymous 9dec2016(fr)02:23 No.41875 F P9R7
jesus christ bananas
>> Anonymous 11dec2016(su)16:52 No.41948 G P10R8
what's the passward?
>> Anonymous 13dec2016(tu)01:17 No.41976 H P11R9
when you go to the settings where it has the password place. use tab to find a small area outside
of the games border to up the amount of money you have. the small square is located towards the
bottom left of the password area