File: Man Children.swf-(10 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] ͏ 01/13/17(Fri)20:02:14 No.3201307
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)20:05:56 No.3201309
>posting on a virtual table assembly gathering
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)20:43:31 No.3201345
>to hail him truly, one must leave here forever
What do you chose?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)20:44:38 No.3201346
>I was only nine years old
>I loved Gavin so much, I subscribed to all the podcasts and youtube channels
>I listen to Gavin every night, thanking him for the skills he taught me
>"Gavin is love", I say, "Gavin is life"
>My dad hears me and calls me a nue-male
>He is obviously jealous of my devotion to Gavin
>I called him a manbaby
>He slaps me and sends me to my room
>I am crying now, because my face hurts
>I go into my bed, which I built myself
>I feel a warmth moving towards me
>I fell something touch me
>It's Gavin
>I am so happy
>He whispers into my ear, "Videogames are for little kids!"
>He grabs me with his powerful manly hands and puts me on my hands and knees
>I'm ready
>I spread my ass cheeks for Gavin
>He penetrates my butthole
>It hurts so much, but I do it for Gavin
>I can feel my anus tearing as my eyes start to water
>I push against his force
>I want to please Gavin
>He roars a mighty roar as he fills my butt with his love
>My dad walks in
>Gavin looks him deep in the eyes and says, "You're supposed to be building a table or something,
put down the console you grown manbaby!"
>Gavin builds a window and leaves through it
Gavin is love, Gavin is life.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)21:26:31 No.3201389
I really like how if you post this early enough, no shitstorm happens in this thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)22:28:58 No.3201405
>30yo guy
>complaining about 30yo guys playing things
>That were invented by 30yo guys for other 30yo guys
What a faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)22:32:03 No.3201406
lol he just basically says your hobby and passion is bad and you should be like him and do his
i mean kind of selfish, if you have a hobby and you enjoy it cool its kind of pathetic that he
has to make a big deal because he thinks its "Childish"
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)22:46:15 No.3201409
Fucking Edgelord.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)22:49:04 No.3201411
>tfw lurk /pol/ and /v/
>watch this
fugg :DD
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)22:58:06 No.3201419
Back to
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:27:38 No.3201435
this is how i see it
>like whatever the fuck you want
>don't make it your entire life, make it a part of it
>dont talk about it to other people expecting them to totally be as on board with it as you
>don't have an auti fit when people shit on the things you like, we arent a fucking hive mind,
people are going to have opposing opinions wether you like it or not
i get what this guy is saying, video game sjw debating bullshit is fucking cancer and so are
those who make video games there life and defend it like fucking gospel are no better. at the
same time i'm not gonna watch this and throw away my ps4 because believe it or not, even though
i'm 26 i still find video games entertaining. when i get home from work i'll maybe play a couple
hours before i get to bed maybe like twice a week if that.
enjoy things with moderation, how hard is that.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:38:46 No.3201438
get out of /f/ faggot.
Equally, enjoy suicide in moderation why don't you.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:39:27 No.3201439
none of this matters if you don't build tables.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:40:08 No.3201441
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:41:18 No.3201442
Post flashes to get rid of this crappy thread.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:41:35 No.3201444
you act as if there is even a choice
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:43:17 No.3201446
>so autistic you can't ignore a single thread
c'mon anon
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:44:51 No.3201449
D … do you think sage works here?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:46:44 No.3201451
Yeah it does.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:48:41 No.3201453
Gavin, my fridge is broken... fix it please??
I'm too busy playing Batman with 12 year olds
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:51:37 No.3201454
>Yeah it does
Actually threads being at the bottom mean nothing here, it's time based
>> [_] Anonymous 01/13/17(Fri)23:57:55 No.3201459
I know that, sage still works which is what his question was. Also if two threads are created at
the exact same time, then the bottom most thread gets deleted first
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)00:00:44 No.3201461
>exact same time
Fuck anon, you got me there
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)00:02:38 No.3201463
I saw it happen once, it's really rare though.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)00:30:11 No.3201478
please stop shilling this faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)00:46:40 No.3201482
>bitching on an online video blog
>about adult men spending too much time not being outside doing manly things
>hipster liberal looking faggot
Wow, even his opinions are ironically out of fashion
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)01:30:59 No.3201500
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)01:31:06 No.3201501
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)01:32:08 No.3201502
Dude what the actual fuck. Hivemind up in this bitch
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)01:36:43 No.3201503
>liberal looking faggot
He voted Trump, he loves Trump
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)02:11:45 No.3201519
Nitpicking for sake of being a faggot on a topic he clearly knows nothing at all about.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)02:21:33 No.3201522
He's a Nacuck.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)02:30:53 No.3201528
>/pol/fags hate everyone who isnt white invading their country and ruining their culture
>/pol/fags invade every board that isnt theirs and ruin the cultures
There's something quite poetic in how /pol/kids have become exactly what they claim to hate
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)03:08:58 No.3201538
>that facial hair
>that outfit
I don't know who this fag is but he's trying way too hard to be "grown up"
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)03:21:44 No.3201540
What a cuck.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/14/17(Sat)03:26:05 No.3201542
>acting grown up is bad
>it must all be an act!
>wearing a nice outfit is bad because why put that effort in?
>an older man having a beard is weird and unnatural.
>fuckin TRYHARD!