/ > /fap/ > Thread 9986
Age: 50.11d Health: 0% Posters: 7 Posts: 9 Replies: 8 Files: 1+3
>> Anonymous 26oct2016(we)19:11 No.40460 OP P1
Creambee - Daphne Blake (scooby doo) - Happy Halloween
Happy Halloween, I hope you enjoy and I'll be putting another Halloween themed flash out in a week.
I'm sorry it'll be a day or two after Halloween. This next character is a real classic ;)
[IMG] Creambee - Daphne (Scoobydoo).swf (1.54 MiB)
1080x920, Compressed. 638 frames, 24 fps (00:27).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 26oct2016(we)22:05 No.40462 A P2R1
wtf is this
>> Anonymous 27oct2016(th)02:25 No.40469 B P3R2
This is god awful and I song I liked is now ruined
>> Anonymous 28oct2016(fr)05:44 No.40492 C P4R3
>> Anonymous 28oct2016(fr)15:44 No.40510 D P5R4
what is this song anyway?
>> Anonymous 28oct2016(fr)23:39 No.40526 B P6R5
Night Tempo - Dreamer
Some good ol future funk
>> Anonymous 29oct2016(sa)03:07 No.40531 E P7R6
Happy Halloween to you too OP, nice flash!
>> Creambee 4nov2016(fr)05:37 No.40751 OP P8R7
Thanks guys, I know the male character is a little goofy, but that's just the kind of aesthetic I
like. Feel free to check out my late Halloween submission on Jessica Rabbit
>> Anonymous 4nov2016(fr)06:42 No.40753 F P9R8
why is his face all fucked?