File: dead_stars.swf-(1.04 MB, 544x320, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/29/17(Sun)21:30:02 No.3208773
/f/uck censorship
>> [_] :v 01/29/17(Sun)21:31:25 No.3208774
What a shitty song by a shitty band from a shitty subculture.
>tiddies are tops tho.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/17(Sun)21:35:55 No.3208777
What a shitty shitposting by a shitty namefag.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/17(Sun)21:49:03 No.3208784
>uncensored version
>still censors out nipples
What a shitty flash of shitty fanservice from a shitty animu
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/17(Sun)21:56:08 No.3208788
Absolutely no improvement.
>> [_] :v 01/29/17(Sun)21:57:20 No.3208790
>all posts are shit posts
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/17(Sun)22:00:09 No.3208795
Oh. this disappointment of 12 years old boys.
I can't help with it.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/17(Sun)22:04:37 No.3208798
I'm 24 you ass
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/17(Sun)22:06:33 No.3208799
why would you lie about your age on the internet?
>> [_] :v 01/29/17(Sun)22:16:48 No.3208804
do you think someone would really do that? Just go on the internet and lie like that?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/29/17(Sun)22:51:50 No.3208815
i haven't seen this flash in 10 years and i am really irritated nobody fixed it so her head
bobbed correctly to the beat.