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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource D1FF4BL, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/1 -2017 08:38:57

Ended:16/1 -2017 20:05:01

Checked:16/1 -2017 20:25:02

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 20.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: c74f9037a6092723c849f9831724806f.swf-(5.89 MB, 550x400, Hentai)
[_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)02:34:14 No.3202452

  undertale is better when not voiced

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)02:51:11 No.3202456

  This has no business being as hot as it is

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)02:52:10 No.3202457

  Not my proudest bonr...

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)03:01:55 No.3202460

  you know, when I opened this I was hoping this wasn't porn
  me and my boner were sadly mistaken

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)03:46:05 No.3202475

  my.. boner

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)03:59:12 No.3202479

  so cringy

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)04:35:05 No.3202486

  >25 minutes to get to penetration
  >lasts 6 seconds
  >no music option

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)04:55:33 No.3202493

  I hate this... and yet my boner has never been harder.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)06:27:43 No.3202510

  what the hell happened to the filename?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)07:28:29 No.3202540

  That sound... It's so fucking... Aaaaahhh...

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)07:37:47 No.3202542

  not my proudest fap

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)07:51:02 No.3202545

  This gave me cancer.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)09:56:36 No.3202558

  thanks.. all I needed to kill myself

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)11:41:59 No.3202571

  for (you) and others wondering why it's sloppy:
  this is an animation based on an audio file, that in turn was a commission inside the undertale

  the result is as god-awful as it sounds like

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)12:09:33 No.3202579

  where I got it doesn't save the it with the name of the flash

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)12:18:27 No.3202582

  where you got it from is wrong
  as are you wrong

  please leave and think about what you have done and how you can rectify this problem your own
  brain has created for yourself.

  Barring that, piss off you massive faggot.

  Temmy and the voice actress (littlebardofhope) are 10/10, admit you fapped even if you thought it
  was creepy / cringe.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)13:01:12 No.3202597

  >I know the voice actress and fap over her voice personally

  Too bad she sounds like a prepubescent male squeaker.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)13:13:09 No.3202602

  I haven't had the opportunity to fap to this. Been going through the Jingai Shunman series, so
  didn't have enough energy.
  I just found this make my rounds on my respective rule 34 sites, and had never seen it on /f/, so
  I just thought I'd share.
  I don't really give a shit about voice actress or the character Temmie. I am more fond of Toriel.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)13:59:48 No.3202615

  >Too bad she sounds like a prepubescent male squeaker.
  >too bad

>> [_] Anonymous 01/16/17(Mon)14:03:10 No.3202616

  >implying that's a bad thing
Created: 16/1 -2017 08:38:57 Last modified: 16/1 -2017 20:25:04 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:00:44