/ > /fap/ > Thread 10168
Age: 34.75d Health: 0% Posters: 19 Posts: 26 Replies: 23 Files: 4+3
>> Anonymous 22nov2016(tu)03:16 No.41379 OP P1
[G] Simbro v1.6b
- Finally fixed Alice photocamera event
- Added pan and zoom functions for photo-shooting. (Working for mobile gestures as well)
- Added export function for album.
- Some lesser bugs fixed
- Fixed James Bar bug
- Fixed Alice photocamera timer (she arrives the next morning when you have 'massage salon' upgrade)
- Fixed Female play shower scenes stuck with generic girls
- Fixed MC starting outfit
- New events accessible through debug 'Events' list.
Patreon version 1.6 released:
- New scene with Alice for female play. You could wait to catch her in the showers, or just drag n
drop her there on the stage plan. Be sure you have at least one thug at your disposal at least
- Meet James. New crew member for female character chosen by voting poll. Catch him in the bar,
then you know what to do next. Since hiring him is free, it should boost the earlier game for
female play as Julia does for male play.
- Rare trait for males 'Bouncer'. Adds +10 to security when character is in the proper room, makes
them more valuable for protecting your brothel. Does James have it - yes.
- New outfits for males you've seen in the last voting poll added to shop stock.
- The day after first brothel upgrade Alice found you a photocamera. Now you can photoshoot
sessions with your girls sitting on the bed in different poses, making an album. So your clients
will admire them while choosing a girl to spend time with. Each girl still in your crew with photo
in album adds +1 to reputation permanently.
- New background for a bedroom. First variation for a cheap one design. As we mentioned earlier we
are going to add upgrade system for it's furniture, that adds new poses and room value.
- Now you can see 'Affinity' parameter on the character sheet.
- Some bugs fixed.
[IMG] simbro v1.6b.swf (14.76 MiB)
1024x800, Compressed. 2 frames, 24 fps (00:00).
Ver32, AS3. Network access: Yes. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 24nov2016(th)07:25 No.41449 A P2R1
And I have now forfeited any claims I could make about me not being a sick fuck
>> Anonymous 24nov2016(th)08:10 No.41450 B P3R2
So, any cheatcodes?
>> Anonymous 24nov2016(th)10:25 No.41453 C P4R3
Can you increase your stamina at all? Started with 12 stamina sucks when every whore has 30+
>> Anonymous 24nov2016(th)10:29 No.41454 A P5R4
>can't have pregnant slaves without convoluted save hacking
>can't impregnate slaves.
>can't fuck alice with hacking her into a cage
Why live?
>> Anonymous 24nov2016(th)14:31 No.41460 D P6R5
>you are taking advantage of the girl
Why the fuck did I read that in a calm old lady's voice?
Fertile breeding slaves is life
>> Anonymous 25nov2016(fr)18:00 No.41498 E P7R6
so I know how to access the cheat code box, but does anyone have a list of the available cheats?
>> Anonymous 25nov2016(fr)23:26 No.41511 F P8R7
>Why the fuck did I read that in a calm old lady's voice?
>> Anonymous 27nov2016(su)01:24 No.41538 G P9R8
when leveling up just go to stamina and put points in, I missed it for a while too since its not
grouped with the rest of the stats
>> Anonymous 27nov2016(su)14:22 No.41557 B P10R9
with some cheats or a hack this might be playable.
>> Anonymous 27nov2016(su)15:36 No.41558 H P11R10
NOKIDDING - gain +5000 to your starting money.
FORGETABOUTIT - a new high-level girl to the starting crew.
YOUSHALLNOTPASS - sets your security level to 100%
SPONGEBOB - enable debug mode. You'll find debug panels in the 'Staff' menu and in 'Peek' scenes.
They allow to check available skin colors/outfits/stockings for girls and cycle through sex scenes.
Also there are options to change mood, hygiene, dignity and make an instant level up.
you're welcome.
>> Anonymous 28nov2016(mo)00:10 No.41568 I P12R11
Where's the cheat box?
>> Anonymous 28nov2016(mo)00:27 No.41569 A P13R12
Does anyone know where the strap on is? Because I can't find it.
Click the version number on the title screen a bunch of times.
I could share my notes on how to hack the save file. But I'm not going to. Because I don't feel
like typing it up.
>> Anonymous 28nov2016(mo)00:40 No.41570 I P14R13
Thanks, Bro.
>> Anonymous 28nov2016(mo)22:26 No.41582 J P15R14
Click the version tag five times or so
>> Anonymous 29nov2016(tu)05:39 No.41584 K P16R15
use this to edit your saves
also a new version is out
>> Anonymous 29nov2016(tu)05:46 No.41585 K P17
>> Anonymous 30nov2016(we)22:53 No.41623 L P18R16
How do you level up quickly with maale character? :O
>> Anonymous 2dec2016(fr)02:38 No.41642 M P19R17
How do you not run out of reputation?
>> Anonymous 2dec2016(fr)16:04 No.41649 N P20R18
Strap on= female char, get dildo, talk to hitomi, finish hitomi's playable sequences, get strap on
>> Anonymous 2dec2016(fr)17:43 No.41654 O P21R19
Here are all passwords.. Taken from the game itself..
private static const §+E§:String = "NOKIDDING";
private static const §^!§:String = "FORGETABOUTIT";
private static const §1T§:String = "SPONGEBOB";
private static const §2G§:String = "MRPROPER";
private static const §1'§:String = "YOUSHALLNOTPASS";
private static const §!8§:String = "BULLETFORMY";
>> Anonymous 2dec2016(fr)17:56 No.41656 O P22
Found description:
MRPROPER deletes all saved games
BULLETFORMY add 100 skilled girl to staff
>> Anonymous 20dec2016(tu)20:54 No.42342 P P23R20
How the fuck do I lower Alice's dignity? Lowest I've gotten her is ~55
>> Anonymous 21dec2016(we)22:38 No.42372 Q P24R21
By being a lewd bastard to her. Surprise her in the shower, date her and other stuff. When the
police comes the first time, you get a one time chance to lower her dignity farther by 5 points,
the others are repeatable. But no matter how much you do, you will never get it lower than 45 (40
is required for sex). The best you will get without debug cheats are blowjobs. One in the shower,
one after a successful date and one in the glory hole room when her dignity is low enough.
>> Anonymous 24dec2016(sa)23:18 No.42531 P P25R22
>you will never get it lower than 45 (40 is required for sex).
Well, fuck.
Thanks for the info though
>> Anonymous 25dec2016(su)02:27 No.42552 R P26R23
If you really want to do her than just use the debug mode to lower her dignity below 40. Than you
can use her like all the other whores, except for the summoning in your master room and the shower.
This means you can make her work as a whore in the bedroom, glory hole room, in the streets, as
escort or to seduce the bank guy. You can't bang her yourself unless you buy her some clothes.
For those who haven't noticed, there is a new version out >>>42417