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This is resource EEMO7PD, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:15/11 -2016 06:23:03

Ended:30/12 -2016 13:34:18

Checked:30/12 -2016 13:41:08

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 10130

Age: 38.3d   Health: 0%   Posters: 6   Posts: 8   Replies: 6   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 15nov2016(tu)06:19 No.41149 OP P1

[G] Ponyville Brothel 1.3.7 Hacked

The best parts:
- Lowered gallery cost from 300000 to 10
- All gallery pictures now unlocked by default

If you still want to play the game:
- Increased the amount of exp you get by 5x
- Increased the teacher exp modifier to 5x the amount
- Removed daily slave upkeep costs
- Doubled the amount of health taking a break restores
- Slaves no longer get sick when their health goes below 0
- Doubled the effect from the nurse and the doctor
- Halved the daily costs for using the nurse, the teacher and the doctor
- Doubled the amount of Bits you get from each slave
- You start out with 1000 Special Points (you only really need 23 points but this way you can keep
track of the amount you earn)

All these changes should speed up the gameplay alot

[IMG] Ponyville_Brothel_v1.3.7_hacked.swf (22.04 MiB)
800x600, Uncompressed. 64 frames, 24 fps (00:03).
Ver15, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: No. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 15nov2016(tu)06:30 No.41150 OP P2

Forgot to add:
- Lowered office upgrade tier costs to 50, 500 and 1500

>> Anonymous 15nov2016(tu)23:42 No.41160 A P3R1

A nice little time waster

>> fapchinees 16nov2016(we)00:00 No.41161 OP P4R2

Oh a little update:
Where it says "Your total income is x Bits." its actually meant to say "Your total profit today is
x Bits", my bad

And the amount of Bits you get from each slave is not doubled, I rolled that back but forgot to
remove that line in my OP.

>> Anonymous 16nov2016(we)00:13 No.41162 B P5R3

another brothel game,another pony game

>> Anonymous 16nov2016(we)01:04 No.41165 C P6R4

There's really too much pony shit up in here.
C'mon guys, you're better than this.

>> Anonymous 16nov2016(we)15:10 No.41175 D P7R5

>you're better than this.
That's a long time ago.

>> Anonymous 19nov2016(sa)14:06 No.41296 E P8R6

For as boring and simple as this is, I will give it credit: It actually sources the artwork it
uses. I'm so used to these kinds of games not doing that at all.
Created: 15/11 -2016 06:23:03 Last modified: 30/12 -2016 13:49:20 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:58:26