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Discovered:5/11 -2016 02:42:12

Ended:5/11 -2016 07:37:30

Checked:5/11 -2016 07:53:33

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File: Man Children ︻.swf-(10 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] tables Anonymous 11/04/16(Fri)21:37:23 No.3171748

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/04/16(Fri)21:39:55 No.3171749

>> [_] Anonymous 11/04/16(Fri)21:52:57 No.3171755

  >Come home, relax with my hobby of table building, decide that I need a balanced life and decide
  to read some "fiction" for once, instead of my nonfiction refrigerator repair manuals or table
  makers quarterly. Almost enjoying reading a story about a refrigerator repair man who fights the
  evil refrigerant leak when out my window I see a FUCKING MANCHILD playing a fucking stupid game
  (go or some other manchild thing I think it was called). I begin to REEEEEEEEEEEEE at the top of
  my lungs and tell them how pathetic they are to enjoy games and not constructive hobbies, but my
  screams are muffled by the thousands of tables littering my tiny 50's era home. Later cry myself
  to sleep on my table bed, snot and tears matting my elegant non-compensatory manly beard into a
  sticky hairy mass, knowing that no one can understand the true beauty of tablebuilding.

  Fucking man children!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/04/16(Fri)22:24:57 No.3171769

  It is interesting that he specifically mentions, "I don't read fiction."
  Research shows that reading fiction develops the social aspects of your brain, improves your
  ability to understand why others behave the way they do.
  >"Why are grown men playing video games?"
  Video games are more than indulgent fantasy, you intellectually stunted numale hipster
  republicunt suspenders and slacks wearing fuckboy of a narcissist. All this guy does is fantasize
  about being Ron Swanson while dressed as a hipster. Fucking repulsive

>> [_] Anonymous 11/04/16(Fri)22:37:48 No.3171772

  What I don't understand is when people say they don't read fiction, what do they read then if
  they read at all? Just textbooks, journals and the like? Because other than that "true" stories
  and other "nonfiction" is loaded with even more trash, text per text, as fiction.

  >Video games are more than indulgent fantasy,
  He may be a gigantic faggot, but he's mostly right about that, most vidya games end up being
  indulgent fantasies. Very few have any real redeaming quality to them because of fucking casuals
  and money hungry cunts pandering to the "wider audience". They aren't all like that, but these
  days most of them sure as hell are.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/04/16(Fri)23:40:00 No.3171793

  what i think is hilarious is that you're all just as buttmad as he is.

  this is what he's doing:

  this is what you're doing:

  when you remove all of the references to personal taste and preference, he still makes a handful
  of decent points. namely that as an adult you should have the skills to take care of yourself,
  and should be self-interested enough to develop skills that will help you thrive in life. when
  your hobbies get in the way of that, it's a problem... doesn't matter if that hobby is beard
  growing or table making or masturbating to your waifu

>> [_] Anonymous 11/04/16(Fri)23:48:12 No.3171795

  here is a man who was raised to believe that fun is wrong.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/04/16(Fri)23:49:26 No.3171797

  >Thinking that jokingly mocking someone for being a whiny faggot is the same thing as being a
  whiny faggot

  > he still makes a handful of decent points
  Nah, he makes his points so poorly that to interpret them as anything other than ignorant
  bullshit you have to make the subtext the main text and fill in more blanks than a crossword.
  Just like you are doing right now.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/04/16(Fri)23:53:18 No.3171798

  This is more than what young Republicans do.
  Yeah, we think people should know how to build a table, but fiction is fine, and videogames are
  fine if moderated.

  This guy is probably baiting, though, anyway.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/04/16(Fri)23:55:53 No.3171801

  alrighty then. you don't see his point because it's offensive to you and you don't want to see
  his point. not because "it's not there".

  but i won't argue with you. you're convinced you're right and i won't waste your time. you should
  get back to whatever hobby it is i distracted you from (likely dick-beating or some other form of
  self rape, and definitely not table building or beard growing)

>> [_] Anonymous 11/04/16(Fri)23:58:35 No.3171803

  I laffed

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:01:05 No.3171805

  My dad, my best friend's dad, and all of my uncles have never built a table. At most they bought
  an IKEA table. Why is this dude jerking off about tables?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:03:40 No.3171809

  you're clearly not a real man if you don't get it. but it's no wonder you didn't become a real
  man (the table building and beard growing kind), seeing as both your dad and his best friend
  never became men either.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:06:10 No.3171811

  i wonder if anyone has ever told him how insecure he is as a person.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:09:55 No.3171813

  Right, and pray tell how you got the message being "as an adult you should have the skills to
  take care of yourself, and should be self-interested enough to develop skills that will help you
  thrive in life. when your hobbies get in the way of that, it's a problem." From the video where
  the only thing he does is complain about "manchildren" not acting like "real men" and being
  "pathetic" for playing video games and enjoying comics among other "unmanly" things instead of
  doing whatever he thinks is good? I suppose he telepathically communicated that completely
  unstated moral lesson or something.

  >W-w-well I won't argue with you because clearly you are wrong and irrational, it's not like I
  don't have a cogent point besides the completely unsubstantiated horseshit I posted before
  Right, OK, whatever you need to tell yourself buddy.

  >definitely not table building or beard growing
  Actually small scale carpentry and beard growing are hobbies of mine, I'm just not a total
  whinging faggot about it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:12:47 No.3171814

  >Actually small scale carpentry and beard growing are hobbies of mine

  polishing your wood doesn't count, anon. neither does your neckbeard.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:14:14 No.3171815

  I mean, it's good to be practical.
  Being able to, say, build a table or fix a car are part of that.
  It's not necessary, but it's a good couple of skills.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:15:18 No.3171816

  >in the old days, you lived in the basement because you were mentally handicapped.

  this guy started the entire argument portion of his rant with the "back in my day" argument. why
  are people unironically getting upset at him? it's like grandpa saying he used to break open
  thermometers and play with the mercury in them when he was a kid.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:18:15 No.3171819

  Eh, 3/10, best I can give you for that weak showing.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:20:59 No.3171821

  the real issue is that "my hobbies include playing video games and watching TV" doesn't help you
  do things like fix a car or write a budget. and there are plenty of people who can't pull off
  both, one comes at the expense of the other. and it's not even about specifically those two
  examples. in general, if you lack common sense, the ability to think critically, and lack
  practical skills, you're far less likely to be able to handle problems that come your way. there
  is no "press A to fix car" in the real world... well, there is: pay a mechanic. but when you need
  to pay everyone to do everything for you, your ignorance gets really expensive, really fast.

  life is hard, but it's much harder when you're stupid.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:22:09 No.3171823

  i do try, it's not my fault you have bad taste.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:22:27 No.3171824

  Practicality should come first, but after that, it's time for fun.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:24:30 No.3171825

  Society is all about letting people specialize, so you can do a few things really well, and let
  everyone else do their own things well. It's really pretty pointless to take time to learn how to
  do this sort of stuff when you should be able just to leave it to someone who will do it better
  and faster. I mean sure there's always exceptions, but if you are reasonably skilled and don't
  live on the fringes of society it's pretty silly to waste time and money doing this stuff on your
  own. That's just how life is these days, some people just seem stuck in an old mindset.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:25:55 No.3171826

  right! if you've got your shit together, and blow off steam by picking on 14 year olds online, i
  say go for it.

  where Manly McTableBeard's argument falls apart is that he frames this in terms of vice and says
  that all forms of entertainment that don't actively contribute to the development of practical
  skills that make you a useful manly man should be avoided.

  it's one extreme end complaining about the other extreme end, when normal, healthy people fall
  somewhere towards the middle.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:31:40 No.3171829

  Because he's trying to formulate an argument. And the best way to counter an argument isn't to
  say "well he started off with a 'back in my day' argument, therefore I can just ignore him".
  Obviously no one expects to convince him, since he'll never read these comments nor I'm sure,
  will his opinion be changed.

  If nothing else this allows the ground for a good, intellectual discussion/argument. And that in
  of itself is worthwhile.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:40:01 No.3171833

  Elemental mercury is actually pretty harmless in a liquid state, it's the oxides and vapor
  deposition that causes harm. though you wouldn't want it in exposed cuts or anything like that.
  Still you could probably drink a whole tub of mercury and not be much worse off for the wear.

  Now if you want dangerous shit back in the day there was all the radiation, they had fucking
  suped up x-ray machines in shoe stores all over, my parents used to stick their feet under x-rays
  for minutes and look at the bones. They had fucking radium health drinks for crying out loud. And
  that's on top of the general laxness with all sorts of chemicals, shucks my father got a
  chemistry kit that nearly exploded on him (though that doesn't come close to his friends in
  bombed out eastern Europe who actually played with unexploded ordinance). Still it's quite
  amazing there were so few noticable deaths among all that.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:44:31 No.3171837

  while this is true for some things, there are other skills that you are still better served by
  learning and performing yourself.

  your own laundry
  your own cooking
  your own cleaning
  fix your car, computer, smart phone, small home appliances
  mow your own lawn
  basic home maintanence

  pretend you're a doctor
  do at home surgery on yourself or others
  think you can be your own lawyer

  there are people who specialize in all of those things, but if (for example) you don't know shit
  about how to cook and don't know anything about nutrition and your diet consists primarily of
  microwaved chicken tendies and potato-derived product, all slathered in BBQ or ketchup, you're
  not going to be healthy. so you have two choices: stop being a fucking retarded child in that
  regard and learn to cook for yourself, or hire someone to do that for you.

  there is value in learning some skills, and i think that most people imagine that the bar is much
  higher than it really is. the people i think he's railing against in this video are people who
  literally cannot cook the most basic meal or clean up after themselves. i know people like this
  personally, and they're greasy, cringe inducing weaboo fucks. if it isn't obscure weeb trivia,
  Dr. Who trivia, or playing video games, they're dumber than a stone. sure, they have "specialized
  skills", but they're skills they can't market for profit and skills which don't allow them to
  support themselves. and these skills have been acquired by foregoing other basic skills that
  everyone should know so they can be self-reliant.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:49:14 No.3171838

  Well, this ruined my night. I just bought the Wario & Waluigi amiibo today. I'm an irredeemable

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:49:35 No.3171839

  >Society is all about letting people specialize
  Reminds me of this quote from Heinlein that libertarian types love so much.
  >"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship,
  design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying,
  take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch
  manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization
  is for insects."
  This is the mindset that you all are trying to argue against. It's not a bad thing to aspire to
  in and of itself but for 99% of people being a polymath isn't pragmatic.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:54:10 No.3171840

  it isn't really about being the "perfect polymath", so much as it's about agreeing that there's a
  reasonable minimum amount of usefulness a person must achieve to be useful to themselves and
  others. if they fail this, they become a burden to themselves and others. and in today's society,
  being a burden by choice is a badge of honor for some. to wit:

  >NEET. no job, no money, no problems

  it's not true!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:57:17 No.3171842

  Thanks anon, you reminded me of the things that I have done, and do, to be as self sustaining as
  I can. I still have a long way to go though before I'm totally independent though. At least I
  live alone and take care of my dwelling and pet to the best of my ability.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)00:59:31 No.3171843

  Yes, however many of those skills are only worth learning because someone else has already
  lowered the barrier to entry, someone made a washing machine so we don't have to spend hours
  using a washboard and a clothesline, and I still don't do my own drycleaning. I do my own cooking
  because these days I can just buy whatever I need at the store and easily put it together,
  instead of acquiring them the old fashioned way because the butcher, and the farmer did their
  jobs. Hell even the barrier to knowledge has been razed to the ground by the internet.

  I wasn't trying to say we are at the point where it is completely pointless to generalize (though
  maybe in another 30 years when domestic robots start to take care of much more), but that the so
  called "cost" of generalizing vs specializing is going up, with exceptions of course.
  As for the cooking example, I'm not so sure knowing how to cook is really what makes people
  healthy or not, nor having in depth knowledge of nutrition. Rather people follow the generally
  available health information from doctors and other sources. I think even someone who's never
  picked up so much as boiled water would probably know if something were unhealthy vs healthy,
  even if they choose to ignore that knowledge.

  I'd also have to say, even if it is true there are people who have totally ignored even basic
  living skills, because of other people's efforts the bar is so low they too could easily acquire
  proficiency. Using washing clothes as an example again, even if they totally lack skills, these
  days all you need to do is push a button, and they can have "learned" that skill.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:05:27 No.3171846

  as i said, most people assume the bar is much, much higher than it really is. all of your
  examples readily demonstrate how easily one can learn to take care of themselves. and considering
  how easy it is nowadays, and how expensive it is to pay others for the privilege to not know how
  do these things yourself, it behooves you to learn basic skills.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:06:36 No.3171847

  I just like Video games

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:15:29 No.3171851

  >33 Replies

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:20:08 No.3171854

  It's no surprise people on 4chan would be a little triggered.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:20:41 No.3171855

  I can't think of any situations outside of shitposting on 4chan where being a burden can be a
  badge of honor. Society still isn't very kind to people it sees as leeches, although maybe that's
  hypocritical of me to say as someone who is not a NEET but still lives comfortably with his
  parents. Other than that I agree with you.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:21:31 No.3171856

  I don't disagree with that at all. I suppose the point I was trying to make was that too much
  importance is being placed on these skills either way. Someone who's done nothing but play vidya
  24/7 still can still easily learn enough skills to take care of themselves if they choose to. The
  other way around it's not really that commendable to know basic skills and pretend that knowing
  how to buy some boards and nails and hammer together a table is the true calling of every man.
  Moderation is probably the key, though I guess if each side wants to do things the retarded way
  we can't really stop them.

  Still all things said and done I'd still rather buy a table from someone who can actually make
  something aesthetically pleasing on demand rather than fuck around for a year or two learning
  everything about design and wood carving.

  You're favorite video games are shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:24:17 No.3171859

  And your grammar is shit m8

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:26:11 No.3171860

  Let me school you kid.

  Your = you are
  You're = belonging to you

  Learn basic fucking contractions before you come posting up in this place.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:28:00 No.3171862

  Never trust anything on 4chan, including this. nice try though kiddo.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:28:03 No.3171863

  speaking of contractions... your mother must've had a powerful one when your head was about
  halfway out, because you're fucking retarded, buddy.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:29:45 No.3171864

  I just built a small table out of popsicle sticks
  I... I feel pretty good
  I think Gavin's onto something boys

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:31:08 No.3171865

  >>you're fucking retarded, buddy.
  >Says the guy who still can't recognise the difference between your and you're
  Pot calling the kettle a nigger right there.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:32:10 No.3171866

  >Not the Eiffel tower
  Oh shit son what are you doing?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:33:53 No.3171869

  >nigger recognizes irony


>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:34:20 No.3171871

  this man has never fixed a refrigerator or any other appliance in his life, short of maybe
  clearing the water line.

  Modern appliances are designed to be unfixable these days; even a simple mechanical repair
  requires a proprietary computer connection to reset the appliance's brains afterwords, requiring
  a service tech, replacement, or complete removal of digital controls.

  maybe if he stopped pretending to be mid-century modern, he'd see how much the world has changed
  in the last 50 years and stop trying to compare Adam West campiness to a $24 billion industry.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:36:25 No.3171874

  Ring ring ring ring ring ring ring bannanaphone. Ooo ooo ka ooo doga doo.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:43:37 No.3171878

  Your grammar is shit.

  Jokes aside, yes. There is a broad spectrum of ability. Not everyone can go around beating up
  Nazis with a giant American flag on their chest and spontaneously sprouting chest hair. Some of
  us have other skill sets that aren't at all conducive to carpentry and being a grouch. Some of us
  are better at orating, some at teaching, some at logistics. These are intellectual aspects, and
  you can't see somebody's brain working unless they're one of those weirdos that make faces when
  they're concentrating. I know how to repair my own car, how to build shelves, how to skin and
  treat a deer, and how to beat someone's ass with my bare fists.

  But just because I know how to do those doesn't mean I should focus on them to be my sole merits.
  And I for one fucking hate working with hand saws, and despite me loving jerky I'm not always
  patient enough to cut up and dehydrate some meat. So I use an electric saw and I buy Jack Link's.

  And when I'm done carving up a new planed plank of wood to replace my broken shelves or piecing
  back together my old stereo, I sit down and enjoy some Project CARS to relax. And besides, it's
  not like I'm ever going to be able to afford to buy a Zakspeed Ford Capri and take it around the
  California coast. I'll never have the money, and I'd have the police chasing my ass the whole way
  down to San Bernandino. So I indulge in the fantasy of that scenario because it'll never be a
  reality, and it allows me to better focus on doing these supposedly "responsible" things like
  making sure my medical insurance isn't screwed up because the game let off some stress beforehand.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:43:46 No.3171879

  A lot of people have ancient energy wasting freezers and fridges, even ones that still run on
  HFCs since often people keep them running 'till they die. Though I don't know if those are
  anymore repairable for laypeople than modern shit considering the one of the main causes of
  issues are refrigerant line leaks. Not even really worth repairing them these days though with
  all the energy saving shit on newer models.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)01:59:50 No.3171894

  What a fucking retard.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)02:33:04 No.3171906

Created: 5/11 -2016 02:42:12 Last modified: 5/11 -2016 07:53:38 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:56:33