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This is resource EOD61RZ, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:26/11 -2016 16:45:09

Ended:27/11 -2016 03:43:57

Checked:27/11 -2016 04:16:23

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 22.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: cmhhhmc.swf-(6.5 MB, 320x240, Other)
[_] How do you create flash? Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)10:40:24 No.3181796

  Did anyone of you guys actually buy Adobe Flash or did you just torrent it from somewhere?

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] John H. Hamilton !4GJ6/C44zI 11/26/16(Sat)10:55:09 No.3181800

  >actually buy Adobe Flash
  I use MS Paint

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)11:37:21 No.3181808

  I use Adobe Animate CC™

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)11:50:35 No.3181814

  I do it in raw binary. I know, filthy casual.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)12:34:07 No.3181822

  Why is that guy in the red shirt shown twice?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)12:38:21 No.3181825

  >Why is that guy in the red shirt shown twice?
  He's just that important.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)12:44:03 No.3181828


>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)12:58:50 No.3181832

  This flash have few missing moment in OS history also many missing stuff in Computer/Network

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)13:53:39 No.3181847

  since i cant be bothered to learn how to properly make flash stuff, i just convert it to flash

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)14:00:02 No.3181849

  It is because of these brave people that we are alive today. If it wasn't for them repelling the
  alien invasion, we would all have been either vaporized and working as slaves for those retched

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)14:40:11 No.3181860

  I think he did two things at two different points in time and they were equally important

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)16:14:21 No.3181876

  this flash is singular, so use the third person singular 'has' in this sentence

  using the word few like that implies that there are very few, for general use, stick an 'a' in
  front of few

  stuff is also singular, and you should use the word 'many' when referring to many discrete
  object, i would use 'lots of' in its place, or replace the word 'stuff' with 'things'

  and either a comma between the clauses or a comma and the word and would improve it too

  >this flash has a few missing moments in OS history, and also many missing things in
  computer/network history

  otherwise 6/10 english, you're getting there

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)16:15:24 No.3181877

  i'd just use ffmpeg for something like the op flash

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)16:16:28 No.3181879


  lol minux

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)17:28:15 No.3181900

  Is the intro the sound effect from that Space Pinball game?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)17:30:02 No.3181902

  It is a part of the original song but it may have also come form there.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)18:38:07 No.3181919

  Anon, thank you for fixing my grammar/punctuation but history sometime is more important.
  TL:DR I now need just GTFO and learn English but history is important.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)20:44:11 No.3181958

  you make it in flash

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)21:09:20 No.3181963

  Ha, Hiro is in there.

  Isn't he the Sussman?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)21:36:12 No.3181972

  torrent. if people had actually paid for flash adobe might have not abandoned the format

  then again if people couldnt pirate flash in the 2000s flash might not have become as big as it

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)21:39:29 No.3181973


>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)21:41:26 No.3181974

  so YOURE the one that makes all the trash-quality videos around here

  >Ha, Hiro is in there.
  he is the ultimate master ruseman
  2 MiB file size limit on /b/, thanks nippon!
Created: 26/11 -2016 16:45:09 Last modified: 27/11 -2016 04:16:42 Server time: 03/01 -2025 09:06:31