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This is resource FJQOU1B, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/1 -2017 22:40:18

Ended:6/1 -2017 04:37:33

Checked:6/1 -2017 04:53:04

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 52.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: #BLMKidnapping- Who’s to blame.swf-(7.97 MB, 528x304, Other)
[_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)16:35:07 No.3197711

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)16:41:36 No.3197714

  World has gone crazy.
  I think im gonna stay indoors from now on. Stay indoors and build my tables.
  Love you Gavin. Stay safe.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)16:46:19 No.3197718

  fucking disgusting degenerates

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)16:59:07 No.3197722

  fugg should i build a table or kill niggers. desu desu desu desu

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:02:00 No.3197723

  I'm absolutely convinced there's a small group of 2-3 /pol/tards who simply insist on flooding
  /f/ with shitty political flvs all day long to make life miserable for the rest of us

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:06:05 No.3197725

  Horrible stuff, but Violence and hate goes on all the time against many different people. This
  guy just cherry picks like everyone else, to push his agenda, just like everyone else.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:14:41 No.3197726

  Yeah except its not exactly the same.
  Black on White crime in the US happens much more frequently (10-15x higher rate or so [which is a
  HUGE difference]) while White on Black crime is almost non-existent.
  Same is true for home invasions, other crimes and rape.
  And that is despite the population ratio's being so in favor of the opposite being true.
  So you can't just say all groups are the same.
  Some are on average worse in their personal views and real life behaviors.

  Not saying that vindicates blanket racism or stereotyping but it does shine light on the sickness
  of our culture which treats the badly behaving minority bullies as victims and the well behaving
  majority victims as the bad guys.
  The culture needs to change 180 degrees and we need to start making certain groups take real
  responsibility for their actions and failures or else the inevitable result will be more
  situations like this and inevitable larger scale disasters.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:33:05 No.3197737

  Based Gavin telling it like it is when no one else will. It's a fucking hate crime, I am sick and
  tired of these pussy apologists scared to hurt the feeling of the black community.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:34:14 No.3197738

  I'd bet money its the same faggots who flooded /f/ with the ziggist shit years back

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:36:33 No.3197739

  I'm sorry someone is posting interesting content in place of your daily dose or the same anime
  loop song that gets posted every single day.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:45:28 No.3197742

  Honestly, I hate it too, but let's be honest: there really aren't more than like 50 people that
  regularly visit /f/ anyway.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:46:03 No.3197743

  No need to apologize anon, just getting that this is not what people come to /f/ for is enough.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:47:45 No.3197744


>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:51:04 No.3197747

  What are you talking about? It's being charged as a hate crime, you can't just kidnap an autist
  and scalp him for keks.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:53:33 No.3197749

  You can if you're black.
  It took almost 24 hours of deliberation to decide whether torturing a white person while
  screaming "FUCK WHITES" was a hate crime or not.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)17:58:11 No.3197750

  Lots of people visit /f/ with different tastes and different things they like.
  Most people who come here will see a mix of things they like and have interest in and things they
  dislike or have no interest in.
  Pretending that all the regular visitors of /f/ think the way you do or have the same tastes as
  you do is irrational, illogical and stupid.
  Try being semi-intelligent and ignore flashes you dislike like everyone else does instead of
  impotently whining about it in every thread and worsening the experience for the people who do
  have interest in these topics.
  I mean personally I don't like /f/ for serious political discussions either and wouldn't post a
  video like this myself but I do like some of the political humor flashes with Alex Jones and the
  like so... to each their own.
  Stop being a faggot.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)18:01:55 No.3197753


  Most people come to /f/ to watch Piccolo raping Vegeta in the ass.

  It's not like politically oriented flashes are exactly "bringing down the quality of the board".

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)18:28:17 No.3197767

  don't you go taking away my raping and funtimes faggot

  There is only so much I can put up with, without ending it all.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)18:32:36 No.3197768

  All I'm hearing from this guy is a fucking coward bitching out people and doing nothing about it.
  His language speaks that he hates blacks, his beliefs speak that he hates blacks. If he hates
  blacks, fine, wear it on your sleeve and stop being a pussy hiding behind a thin veil of PC,
  waiting for an excuse to call them animals. If you think that's what they are, fucking call them
  All I'm saying is, I'll never respect this guy because he's everything wrong with the modern
  right; hatred hiding behind lethargic apathy too lazy to fight the left majority AND the blacks
  and Jews. Christ, they may be half retarded, but at least the skin-heads and KKK are fucking
  honest about thier beliefs...

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)19:24:50 No.3197793

  >posting numale table cuck
  pathetic, i cant believe /pol/ worships this living cancer

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)19:59:58 No.3197819

  You take that back right now, faggot!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)20:05:43 No.3197826

  shh... men are talking

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)20:08:58 No.3197831

  >but at least the skin-heads and KKK are fucking honest about thier beliefs...

  Skin heads MAYBE but when the single most defining aspect of the KKK besides MUH NIGGERS is a
  fucking face covering you do not get to call them anything but cowards.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)20:39:10 No.3197843

  who's this guy?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)20:44:15 No.3197846

  greatest craftsman to ever live and god of table building
  Gavin "tables" McKinnes

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)20:47:48 No.3197849

  >Gavin "tables" McKinnes
  where does the tables meme come from?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)20:50:12 No.3197851

  yeah fuck those people spamming .swf's!!

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)20:52:43 No.3197853

  /f/ stands for /f/lush

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)20:54:33 No.3197855

  he's completely right on this one. It's time for real change to completely abandon the crooked
  MSM and Democratic party, en masse

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)21:01:43 No.3197857

  >be me, pretty good at professional fighting video games, I at least make enough money in bets to
  pay rent
  >30 and still live in a basement though, can't afford anything else.
  >see this guy's video
  >realize that I'm not a man and that's unacceptable
  >immediately sell all of my consoles and games
  >I have enough to buy all of my tools and materials
  >turn the basement into a table workshop
  >start developing my manhood

  >fast forward 3 days
  >the whole basement is filled with tables
  >walls covered in intricate woodwork from the tables I've used to line the room
  >the workshop floor ranges from 2 - 4 feet taller than it originally was
  >the tables are packed in the room

  >month later
  >rent is due
  >try selling my tables
  >most won't fit through the door
  >my parents won't let me cart the 100 or so tables that do fit through their house
  >try getting people to come to my "Table Cave"
  >nobody who was serious about buying shows up
  >parents kick me out, even though I'm so manly

  >3 months later I'm at a homeless shelter
  >I can only build tables
  >think about suicide
  >eventually I'm crushed by a table when I tried creating a balancing act of 6 tables

  >I'm a ghost
  >haunt Gavin for ruining my life
  >break his fridge and scratch up his tables each night
  >doesn't matter because he's such a man that he fixes the fridge and builds new tables instantly
  >mfw I'm in hell

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)21:05:07 No.3197858

  niggers winning hearts and minds everybody

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)21:07:27 No.3197859

  >literally just converting youtube videos to .swf
  >implying this is contributing to /f/

  Look, if you wanted to post political videos, it's extremely easy to make threads for those on

  The only reason someone does it here is because they're an attention whore who gets off on
  annoying people.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)21:33:10 No.3197872

  Leftists make noise to make themselves SEEM like the majority, a strategy that has worked all too
  well seeing as how you actually believe it.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)21:39:07 No.3197874

  >won the popular vote by over three million people
  >secretly not the majority
  pretty sneaky of them to be desu

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)21:56:55 No.3197878

  /f/ stands for /f/lush

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:02:51 No.3197881

  She didn't win the pop vote by anywhere near 3 mill though.
  2.8 is the official number but that doesn't factor in the considerable voter fraud mainly in Cali
  but also in big city Democratic strongholds like Philly etc... where obvious fraud once again
  took place this year.
  With the utter corruption of the DNC and Obama telling illegals to vote its unknown how many
  false votes were passed in Cali alone where Hillary got most of her lead from. Outside of Cali
  even ignoring the fraud she lost the pop vote by over 1.8 million.
  But again even if she won by say 2 million (unlikely but I'll be generous) that'll still
  basically just winning 51.5% of the vote. Thats splitting hairs. its 50/50 in big picture terms.
  Bragging over an extra percent or so seems pointless and personally I think the fact that Trump
  won the vast majority of states and counties is more important then a slight lead in the pop
  vote. After all America is supposed to be a union of many states not a giant single state and it
  was never supposed to have the bloated Federal Government and level of centralization it has now.
  The polarization between a couple of big Democrat cities and the rest of the nation would mean
  alot less if we could all agree on limited/reasonable immigration policies and if the Federal
  Government was weakened dramatically and given less power over the states.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:07:00 No.3197882

  Leftists are the majority you incredible retard. The whole reason we have an electoral college is
  because 70-75% of the population of america lives in primarily left leaning and progressive major
  cities and states, and tend to side with them. The remaining 25ish % of the u.s population lives
  in flyover states, which are primarily republican.

  If we truly went by popular vote, republicans/conservatives would have no say in the fate of this
  country at this point.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:08:12 No.3197884

  >voter fraud made up 2.8 million votes!

  Oh no, it's retarded.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:13:44 No.3197885

  It is very much possible that Trump won the pop vote if you removed all fraud.
  Sadly we still have a broken voting system, in many places they don't even require an ID to vote.
  Don't forget top level DNC staff getting caught on camera admitting they rig it whenever and
  however they can. Not like its a theory at this point.

  And again its no more "just" to let 51% rule over 49% then visa-versa so your argument is moot.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:15:45 No.3197886

  >considerable voter fraud mainly in Cali
  Why would Dems fake votes in California, a state they stood virtually no chance of losing?
  >Bragging over an extra percent or so seems pointless
  I'm lost, was it a 50/50 votes, or were the votes fraudulent, or did Trump only win among people
  who weren't brown? You've got three different stories here: only one of them can be correct.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:16:16 No.3197887

  Oh and the fact that the Native/Indigenous peoples of America voted as a majority for Trump
  should also matter.
  If not for the tidal wave of Hispanic immigration (that most natives weren't ok with) and Blacks
  always voting for race the pop vote wouldn't have been close.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:20:29 No.3197888

  I'm not the person who said anything about how much hillary won the popular vote by.

  I'm saying that firstly and foremost, there is no debate to be had about the fact that america is
  primarily democrat. The population of coastal cities where nearly everyone identifies as a
  democrat literally shits on the rest of the u.s in terms of numbers.

  Secondly, while i didn't particularly care for hillary nor trump, nor do i give a fuck how much
  either of them won by.. I keep hearing your argument and it goes something like this

  >Voter fraud is the reason x won popular vote, nobody really actually liked them
  "but voter fraud being any significant number is extremely unlikely when you consider the amount
  of people in this country that can't vote legally, considering it'd fall solely into the hands of
  illegal immigrants of which there are only a few million of in the entire U.S, the vast majority
  of them would have to have voted illegally. Not to mention voting illegally, while possible, is
  not as easy as you think it is."
  "and likewise, you can't prove they did, and it's more likely that the number of illegal votes
  cast was a hundred thousand at best"
  >b-but muh illegal votes

  Please stop using this flawed fucking argument to try to spin the election in a way where all of
  the american people wanted trump. The majority of this country is liberal, and the majority of
  this country didn't even vote. If it were a popularity contest he wouldn't even have been a
  candidate if we're considering the whole population of this country.

  inb4 I get called a liberal or some shit for having some semblance of logic. I'm not so save your

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:21:37 No.3197890

  >Why would Dems fake votes in California, a state they stood virtually no chance of losing?
  Make sure they don't lose it and inflate the pop vote which makes them look better regardless
  especially if they lose.

  >was it a 50/50 votes
  No but even if the bare minimum of fraud factored in it was basically 50/50 percentage wise.

  >or did Trump only win among people who weren't brown?
  He won around 30% of the Hispanics and only 10% of the Blacks.

  >You've got three different stories here: only one of them can be correct.
  No. One story.
  There was considerable voting fraud of an unknown degree.
  Even if she won the vote it doesn't matter considering at worst nearly 50% of the country still
  voting for Trump.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:21:46 No.3197891

  >If the people who disagreed with me hadn't voted, we would have voted more than they did!
  somebody call the Nobel committee, this guy just made a breakthrough in democratic political

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:24:20 No.3197894

  >Make sure they don't lose it and inflate the pop vote which makes them look better regardless
  especially if they lose.
  Isn't California almost majority Dem? Why would they have to commit fraud just to make sure they
  win a state that they know they already won?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:24:36 No.3197895

  >there was considerable voting fraud of an unknown degree

  If it's an unknown degree, how do you stand to claim it was considerable?

  Oh wait, you're making shit up with no proof, you say? Fuck off retard.
  Cite your sources like an adult or stop making ridiculous claims.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:25:35 No.3197896

  >Make sure they don't lose it
  But they didn't have to "make sure" of that in the first place.
  >and inflate the pop vote which makes them look better regardless especially if they lose
  Are you seriously implying that the Democrats rigged the vote so they would LOOK GOOD when they
  lost, despite the fact that they're apparently able to fake over two and a half million votes?
  What the fuck kind of twisted logic is that?
  >He won around 30% of the Hispanics and only 10% of the Blacks.
  So who won the rest? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't fucking Gary Johnson.

  >almost half the people in the country voted for him, that's all we need!
  And, hypothetical question, what if MORE than half the country voted for somebody else? Ain't
  that a thought?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:28:44 No.3197897

  t. liberal

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:32:00 No.3197899

  I don't think its irrelevant what the native ethnic group of a country votes for especially if it
  also still happens to be that countries biggest and by far more most successful ethnic group and
  the one that can be represent and defend the countries real values.
  I think its a sad thing if the native Europeans of America started losing the ability to control
  their countries political executive branch because a large foreign ethnic group with different
  values and no cultural heritage similar to ours is let in.
  And unfortunate side effect of mass multi-ethnic/cultural immigration which people would'nt
  normally acknowledge for fear of being deemed racist or some other buzzword.

  There are actual statistics that can help support an argument for "considerable" being accurate
  though for larger scale fraud it is probably less so.

  >Isn't California almost majority Dem?
  No, I don't think so.
  There's alot of red in Cali outside of the big city areas I think.

  Fair point but there are ways to gauge some of the volume based on real statistics available.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:33:30 No.3197901

  >There are actual statistics that can help support an argument for "considerable" being accurate
  though for larger scale fraud it is probably less so.
  So where are they?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:34:19 No.3197902

  >there's a lot of red in Cali outside of the big city areas i think

  Please do us all a favor and go look up where 85% of the population of california resides.

  (i'll tell you a secret, it's those big city areas you mentioned)

>> [_] Anonymous 01/05/17(Thu)22:35:10 No.3197904

  Can we get some links to these statistics then?
  And can you elaborate on
  >that can be represent and defend the countries real values. ?
Created: 5/1 -2017 22:40:18 Last modified: 6/1 -2017 04:53:10 Server time: 05/01 -2025 09:40:37