File: Feelings of the election results.swf-(9.97 MB, 528x304, Other)
[_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)05:31:42 No.3175542
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)06:03:14 No.3175547
But why would Pence kill Trump?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)06:05:07 No.3175548
Because Trump is, surprisingly, pro-lgbt.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)06:07:24 No.3175550
No, he's just not anti-fag.
There are more than pro- and anti-.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)06:09:44 No.3175552
He did say he wanted to to protect the LGBT community:
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)06:13:13 No.3175554
Yeah, and I want to protect all Americans.
Doesn't mean I like most of them.
I just don't wish them death.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)07:45:56 No.3175568
In the mind of a leftist the ones who obey the establishment promoted views are the good guys and
the "others" are evil/worthless/should die.
Not sure how I'd describe their mental habits in that way.
Maybe like a Sith?
You are either with me or against me.
Yeah thats a good analogy.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)07:46:36 No.3175569
he also said he basically doesn't give a shit either way
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)07:48:20 No.3175570
you have no fucking idea what you're talking about
1. many leftists votes for trump
2. trump is part of the establishment
3. evil and good are abstract when reallity is actually shades of gray
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
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>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)08:02:14 No.3175572
>1. many leftists votes for trump
Not really.
I suppose some registered Democrats did vote for Trump this year but I don't know if it was an
usually large amount or not.
I think it was like 5-8%?
I mean, yeah, its cool to hear that some woke up but the majority still voted for the dogshit
criminal elitist.
>2. trump is part of the establishment
Eh, not in the way most candidates are.
The establishment really didn't want him in and there is no other case in history where one
candidate faced such overwhelming attack from them not only at home but across the entire West.
All the media, Presidents, Bankers, Most Celebrities, Arms industries, CIA etc... etc...
I mean the attack was brutal and on a scope thats nearly unbelievable. The fact that he won still
stuns me and gives me some hope that in America anyway we still have some free thinkers. But on
the downside and as with Brexit it was more the older voters who carried it which makes sense
considered the left's propoganda machine has really dramatically strengthened over time so
younger people and constantly being fed propoganda in school/media/everywhere and in a way unlike
it used to be.
If the polls keep showing young people buying into it then we may end up like Europe where many
establishment parties rarely face a real challenge and corrupt Governments simply block votes
that go against them.
>3. evil and good are abstract when reallity is actually shades of gray
True but atleast my opinions are somewhat formed on my own and aren't just mindless parroting of
what the school/media/celebrity propaganda along with internal peer pressure tells me to think.
I just really hate the politicization in schooling/media etc... its clearly done to brainwash
people and not for any other reason. If people naturally came to think the way they do... thats
fine but when theres a huge propoganda system in place, I find that ugly and repulsive.
But, who cares in the end. Lifes too short to worry
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)08:02:50 No.3175573
I think he means that many leftists think Republicans are evil, which they do, and that Democrats
are good, which they do.
They think they missed their chance to save the world.
Also, Trump is not part of the Establishment.
The GOP hates him, and he's never been a politician before.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)08:12:52 No.3175575
Or maybe it's because Trump doesn't have a vagina
I'm looking at it this way
Hypothetically if there were candidates and one of them was 2D waifu material and general other
equally competitive 3D candidates, who would have your sympathies?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)08:15:44 No.3175577
Hillary is just a toxic waste dump though.
The whole glass ceiling thing made me laugh because if the Democrats actually put up a decent
female candidate she would have won comfortably and if they put a good or great female candidate
who could somewhat pander alittle to the other sides demands she would have won in a landslide.
So the glass ceiling clearly doesn't exist.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)08:18:09 No.3175579
*and how would you act if she lose
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)08:29:32 No.3175586
thought chris chan died in a fire, damn
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)08:34:20 No.3175591
song name?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)08:41:11 No.3175595
works for me. Blacks and immigrants are very anti gay. Some want to repeal same sex marriage (I
hope that battle is over), some just want them dead
I support President Trump
t. lesbian
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)08:43:47 No.3175596
I can't wait for secret service to take down chris chan
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)12:22:59 No.3175649
>Not really.
>but I don't know
pick one
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)12:44:41 No.3175660
>btw im girl xD
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)13:44:16 No.3175682
Fucking lost it
>> [_] Anonymous 11/13/16(Sun)13:44:23 No.3175683
I still have trouble accepting CWC as real.