File: anon_partyhard195.swf-(868 KB, 550x400, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)00:13:52 No.3204337
What do you think about when you go to bed?
All I can think about is either my projects or my past. My projects makes me unable to fall
asleep because I have too many ideas and my past makes me unable to sleep because I have too many
I'm so tired that my eyes hurt right now but I can't sleep.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)01:43:54 No.3204380
song sauce?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)01:47:36 No.3204381
great game
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)03:22:16 No.3204423
race tracks, concentrating on a series of looping patterns is easy, and helps get your mind off
anything else
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)03:25:48 No.3204424
I sleep with a fan and to fall asleep I focus on the blank noise it creates.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)05:42:20 No.3204446
I like to imagine stuff. Make up stories.
When I was little, they were all about my various adventures with Pokemon.
Now they've branched out.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)06:09:20 No.3204452
I've heard this helps >>3204446
like imagine you're standing in front of a door, what does that door look like? What color is it?
What will happen if you open that door? Create a story in your head with your eyes closed and
include as much detail as you can.
Other things I do to help when my insomnia strikes:
Do crossword puzzles, concentrating on the answer to a clue helps, just remember that you don't
have to finish the puzzle before you fall asleep
Sometimes I fall asleep to let's plays of relaxing games
Reading an interesting but dense book, I'm working on the Divine comedy right now
Watching an episode of Blue Planet, Planet Earth or any other nature documentaries narrated by
David Attenborough lull me into sleep with 15 min, they're super interesting but the often gentle
music and David's voice are so soothing. (This method also works on getting children to go to
sleep, so you know it's fool proof)
Bob Ross is also a great alternative, he's saved my ass a number of times at 3 or 4 am.
Sometimes my cat will come sit next to my face and purr and knead my head which is super
relaxing, but I doubt that's very helpful for your situation.
hypnotism youtube videos have worked in the past too
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)08:03:40 No.3204479
>concentrating on a series of looping patterns is easy
what does that mean?
fans are great
i can never fall asleep while watching something, it's impossible
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)08:10:43 No.3204482
I don't know why I get all these cool melodies playing in my head and when I wake up I fucking
forget them
here's a related comic
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)08:33:33 No.3204483
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)08:44:08 No.3204484
pretty hard to write down sounds too
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)09:57:40 No.3204496
I always fantasize about how it would be to bone a sweet 2D loli.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/20/17(Fri)10:08:23 No.3204499
If you want something similar to ops song, check this out
The soundtrack has good C64 but the sequel has crappy music, don't bother.