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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource H21XP96, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:28/1 -2017 04:15:42
8.1 years ago.

Ended:28/1 -2017 18:13:13
8.1 years ago.

Checked:28/1 -2017 19:56:37
8.1 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 19.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: ABigPopsiclezz.swf-(4.53 MB, 800x600, Game)
[_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)22:10:24 No.3208059

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)22:11:12 No.3208060

  Op here is there anything else like this?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)22:28:58 No.3208068

  Why do artists flock to the weird fetishes like Genderswapping or Furry?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)22:29:46 No.3208069

  Am erect


>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)22:34:41 No.3208071

  bane joke

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)22:42:17 No.3208073

  boner was had

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)22:44:32 No.3208074

  just look up that name of the "popsicle" name Safire fox or something of that. I think he has a
  youtube channel, but maybe not anymore, sense Leafy made a video on his channel.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)23:23:23 No.3208084

  i'm laughing at this, but i can appreciate this work.
  it's 5/10.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)23:26:34 No.3208085

  So is the appeal in tg/tf the transformation itself or...wut?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/27/17(Fri)23:27:39 No.3208086

  what is seen cannot be unseen

>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)01:24:12 No.3208126

  They don't. Genderswapping has the worst artists.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)05:36:41 No.3208185

  Jesus Christ, this shit looks so bad
  I mean it shows some potential but the proportions and the animation are all whack
  also what this guy said

>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)07:18:44 No.3208191

  I can't believe I watched that whole things

  Amateurish is the word that springs to mind, and also why didn't she stick the popsicle in her
  pooper? I am disappoint

>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)07:30:22 No.3208193

  I am slighty erect and really fucking confused.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)09:18:39 No.3208204

  I didn't watch more than the first three seconds before realizing it was autistic Deviantart
  stuff. Why is it so predictable someone's a furfag by their artstyle? Does autism cause you to
  draw like that or is it the other way around?

>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)09:23:19 No.3208206

  They have a deviantart and a stand alone pay site.

>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)09:57:47 No.3208215

  It's autistic alright, but at least this flash in particular isn't furry shit

>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)10:07:30 No.3208216

  If you thought that was weird, come join /d/ in posting weird shit.


>> [_] Anonymous 01/28/17(Sat)12:11:51 No.3208235

  why are people so bad at voice acting
  you're just supposed to talk, not do whatever the fuck this stilted nonsense is. if the voice
  acting were even marginally better this could possibly be watchable

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Created: 28/1 -2017 04:15:42 Last modified: 28/1 -2017 19:56:48 Server time: 18/03 -2025 23:06:33