File: Bill Nye - Creationism is Inappropriate for Children.swf-(8.63 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)13:52:57 No.3191506
Tuesday bait
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)14:34:34 No.3191524
He hesitated at "most advanced country". He knows he was wrong.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)14:42:32 No.3191528
My degree in mechanical engineering makes me an expert on evolution. Just look at my bow tie.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)15:10:43 No.3191536
People get so mad at Bill its amazing.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)15:17:28 No.3191538
>need to believe in evolution or you can't vote or be an engineer
I mean I do believe in evolution but I don't see how it effects the above two things he mentioned.
Bad argument Bill.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)15:25:25 No.3191542
If you are so willing to deny facts proven by a self-criticizing system on multiple occasions
over the course of centuries, then you clearly don't have the judgement to properly vote or think
critically enough for engineering.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)15:31:44 No.3191545
>You can't be an engineer or build stuff unless you know about muh evolution
How does this logic even make sense?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)15:54:52 No.3191551
Of course you wouldn't understand, you dumb creationist.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)15:55:55 No.3191552
>How does this logic even make sense?
Certain schools of thought foster certain ways of thinking. He meant it's harder and it is.
Roughly one third of people who go to school to try and be an engineer fail. Something like that
requires critical thinking in spades.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)16:06:41 No.3191555
See >>3191542
Retards like you are too fixated on the concept "you need x knowledge to do y job." No, you dumb
nigger, for certain "jobs" (see philosophies like Engineering) you need to be able to think in a
particular way. Being close-minded makes you a horrible, terrible Engineer and you should not be
involved in the school of thought, let alone career path.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)17:09:29 No.3191576
desu being close minded pretty much shuts you out from a lot of things, and you'll only be able
to function with other close minded people (like the religious nuts at your church).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)18:46:18 No.3191608
I believe in evolution but it still bothers me when "scientists" say you must "believe" in
science. Mostely because these are the same people saying I must support carbon taxes and isn't
isn't bad. Fuck Islam, fuck carbon taxes, praise christmas.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)18:53:03 No.3191612
you're all going to hell
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)18:55:12 No.3191613
bill nye wants to recruit your children into sin
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)19:15:38 No.3191622
Why do you people still believe in such foolishness? All god has done in 2000 fucking years was
waltz down to the holy land and stick the tip into this chick named mary, drop his load, and
impregnate her without consent.
He probably hasn't done anything since because he's too busy laughing at your blind faith. That,
or he doesn't exist.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)19:20:45 No.3191625
Christianity was the foundation of the western Europe you fucking ungrateful fuck. Name one great
nation that raised to power in the past 1000 years without the support of religion
>pro tip
>you can't
atheists btfo
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)19:24:22 No.3191626
darwin created evolution to spite god because he couldnt pull a flock as a preacher. sounds like
cuck science
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)19:39:44 No.3191629
/b/ is coming out of the 6000 year old woodwork!
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)20:10:27 No.3191635
>there are people right now that still unironically believe in a religion
why do people do this? is it because they lived the majority of their lives believing in a sham
and have no choice but to double down on it?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)20:37:18 No.3191643
Assuming we both agree with the findings of scientists that climate change is a tremendous
problem and limiting carbon emissions will prevent it from getting worse, incentivizing
businesses to limit their carbon emissions seems like an important thing to do. I'm not gonna say
I support carbon taxes because frankly I know jack about the political side of the issue, but
would you say there are any better alternatives that can achieve the same desired effect of
limiting emissions?
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)20:56:29 No.3191645
If religion never existed and never held back scientific discovery we would be more
technologically advanced than we could possibly imagine. Or dead, from blowing up ourselves with
the magnificent weapons we would have created.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/20/16(Tue)20:58:41 No.3191646
If you are instilled in something growing up it can be harder to escape it mentally.
It also has the opposite effect where parents shove religion down their child's throat and the
moment they move out they denounce god.
There is also the cultural stigma in some areas where you are looked down upon and even outcasted
for not being religious.