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This is resource JTJK2BW, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/11 -2016 01:59:29

Ended:27/11 -2016 09:31:18

Checked:27/11 -2016 09:42:42

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: Man Children.swf-(10 MB, 1280x720, Other)
[_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)19:56:23 No.3181944

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)20:04:14 No.3181947

  Stop advertising your tabloid podcast.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)20:21:02 No.3181954

  I'm sick of this guy.
  Yeah, he has some good points, but he's just preaching to the choir what he had already heard
  them sing.
  Other than that, he's a disgusting conman and ass.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)21:10:22 No.3181964

  t. someone who didn't build a table today.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)21:24:18 No.3181968

  I admit, I didn't meet my table quota today.
  But that was because I was sick.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)21:47:11 No.3181976

  Isn't the average age of gamers somewhere in the range of 30-40?

  I know I've met a lot of older people playing video games throughout my life. My mother and my
  aunt included.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)22:00:53 No.3181979

  >"Layer of patheticness"
  >"It's embarassing"

  Who cares? Let people be pathetic. Let them be embarassing. Let them do whatever the fuck they
  want to do.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)22:08:11 No.3181980

  Yeah, for someone raving about other people being too judgmental of something as inane as
  videogames, he sure is quick to do it himself.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)23:18:39 No.3182003

  >People are participating in x?
  >X is for children or group I don't like!
  >What do you mean I sound like an old man! GET OFF MY LAWN!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)23:25:16 No.3182006

  >You chose do something with your spare time that isn't what I think you should be doing? You're
  pathetic and embarrassing!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)23:25:21 No.3182007

  Real men don't get sick

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)23:32:02 No.3182012

  >A 40 year old who follows young fashion trends bashing on hobbies.
  I wonder if his kids are the rebellious type or just brainwashed fools.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)23:56:45 No.3182018

  >t. someone who didn't build a table today.
  tablelessfags btfo

>> [_] Anonymous 11/26/16(Sat)23:57:59 No.3182019

  I mean, the fashion trend only works for older men anyways
  It's more appropriate for him to be following it since he's actually the age than hipster kids
  trying to emulate it

>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/16(Sun)02:22:26 No.3182066

  Holier-than-thou faggots NEED A HOT CATTLE PROD IN THE ASS, and I mean to where they expire. This
  is NOT OK, you are literally WORSE THAN ISIS

>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/16(Sun)03:08:46 No.3182086

  This guy is so salty.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/27/16(Sun)03:29:19 No.3182092

  Don't forget all those comedy skits he does.

  People should devote all their time to learning and refining practical skills would have no time
  to be enjoying leisure time.
Created: 27/11 -2016 01:59:29 Last modified: 27/11 -2016 09:42:57 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:16:51