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This is resource MIB4ZQX, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3182736 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8. Discovered flash files: 1
File: luv(sic) Pt. 6.swf-(5.3 MB, 500x265, Other) [_] Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)20:52:56 No.3182736 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)21:25:28 No.3182748 if anyone, would be kindly to tell me where is the source of this song or gif? >> [_] Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)21:27:22 No.3182752 >>3182748 stop >> [_] jap-t 11/28/16(Mon)22:40:58 No.3182788 >>3182748 resize >> [_] Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)23:19:27 No.3182806 >>3182736 luv(sic) Pt. 6 that's the name of the song >> [_] Anonymous 11/29/16(Tue)01:06:26 No.3182831 >>3182748 I wish people weren't this retarded... But then again, I am currently eating some toxic berries I cooked to test if they would still be toxic. So far so good it seems. >> [_] Anonymous 11/29/16(Tue)03:03:13 No.3182875 >>3182831 r u ok >> [_] Anonymous 11/29/16(Tue)04:06:02 No.3182890 >>3182736 >>3182748 >>3182752 >>3182788 >>3182806 >>3182831 >>3182875 R.I.P. Nujabes |