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This is resource MIB95IT, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:18/10 -2016 06:33:50

Ended:10/12 -2016 11:34:09

Checked:10/12 -2016 11:47:25

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 12.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 9937

Age: 46.2d   Health: 0%   Posters: 10   Posts: 12   Replies: 10   Files: 1+3

>> Anonymous 18oct2016(tu)06:28 No.40140 OP P1

seima makai verson


[IMG] seima_succubus_kami_makaiversion.swf (36.25 MiB)
1024x768, Compressed. 3 frames, 60 fps (00:00).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 18oct2016(tu)08:37 No.40145 A P2R1

Thank you for uploading this!

What happened to being able to get a tit fuck though? I could not find the chance or option for it.

>> Anonymous 18oct2016(tu)13:22 No.40149 B P3R2

Nice to see some quality stuff for once. Didn't get cancer from this.

>> Anonymous 18oct2016(tu)16:32 No.40150 C P4R3

Why do you assume that i can read japanese?
Does someone has a walkthrough to get to the stuff or whatever?
If there is a blowjob/titfuck, how to get it?
Also i already had cancer from these swfs but this cured it <3

>> Anonymous 18oct2016(tu)17:36 No.40151 D P5R4

I think it's interesting that no other country on Earth except Japan produces this stuff.

Sure there's indie projects funded via donations/Patreon or free just-for-fun stuff in the west but
actual studio productions with quality voice acting and entire teams with salary working on a
project can only be found in Japan. I think that's really interesting.

>> Anonymous 18oct2016(tu)18:07 No.40161 E P6R5


Me too.
Not only for porn games, but for anything(ex: vocaloid music and games), the fan-produced
stuff(doujin) is of high quality there, while in west, the "indie scene" is only hipster crap like
vaporwave or Phil Fish.

There there is a whole culture of fan-sharing and fan-produced stuff, looks like everyone is a
small producer of something and it's praised and incentived, while here we have this clear
separation of "producers"(with their disgusting artsy clique) and "consumers".

>> Anonymous 18oct2016(tu)23:09 No.40177 OP P7R6

I will upload it just for you bud

>> Anonymous 18oct2016(tu)23:13 No.40178 OP P8

>>40145 And just so you know, this is what you can call fixed. That means there is only one path
towards the end of the flash/swf. WHat you get is what you get

>> Anonymous 19oct2016(we)08:23 No.40189 F P9R7


That's a different game with the same character

>> Anonymous 20oct2016(th)04:27 No.40225 G P10R8

What is this, just a bunch of voice clips in a language I don't even understand?

>> Anonymous 20oct2016(th)10:41 No.40229 H P11R9


>> Anonymous 20oct2016(th)22:19 No.40244 I P12R10

you dont need to read japanese (even though I can read japanese)

you just click through it

>But what about the key presses

Press the keys and see what changes, It's not always the same thing on each scene
Created: 18/10 -2016 06:33:50 Last modified: 10/12 -2016 11:49:29 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:53:54