File: Closet Weeaboo.swf-(8.28 MB, 608x256, Japanese)
[_] Anonymous 12/16/16(Fri)21:19:37 No.3189890
weebs btfo
>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/16(Fri)22:46:33 No.3189917
what movie this
>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/16(Fri)23:16:57 No.3189935
the core. its pretty shit deu
>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/16(Fri)23:20:57 No.3189940
>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/16(Fri)23:34:29 No.3189944
I thought it was fun. It's not a good movie, sure, but dumb sci-fi can be fun too.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/16(Sat)00:07:33 No.3189952
its like sharknado expect they put far to much effort and funds into it to the point where it was
no longer badly funny and dumb, but just dumb
>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/16(Sat)00:54:50 No.3189968
IMO the character in this scene was the best part of the movie, simply because he wasn't some
generic hero-scientist.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/17/16(Sat)01:14:32 No.3189977
Eh, shit like Sharknado is too dumb for me. This had just the right level of "fuck it, it's
sci-fi, we're doing this." for me without putting sharks in tornadoes.