Archived flashes:
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Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource Q2206UT, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/11 -2016 10:35:19

Ended:5/11 -2016 19:44:56

Checked:5/11 -2016 21:02:13

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 21.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: heactuallydidittheabsolutemadman.swf-(575 KB, 885x560, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)05:33:15 No.3171964

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)06:12:06 No.3171978

  what was /s4s/ again

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)06:25:52 No.3171985

  >[s4s] get a sticky thread of some meme nobody except for [s4s] knows about
  >HuGe SuCcEsS !i!i!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)07:07:38 No.3171993

  who r u quoting?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)07:22:15 No.3171998

  It reminds me a little bit of how /b/ used to be, only every thread is garbage and filled with
  literal babble like people are speaking in tongues. That's all I know.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)08:14:54 No.3172003


>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)08:24:22 No.3172004


  A place that makes /b/'s cancer look like the common cold.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)08:42:59 No.3172007

  a place that existed entirely for dubs threads. By creating it, dubs threads everywhere else
  could be deleted and the posters told to Take It To /s4s/

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)08:53:04 No.3172011

  >not realising that keksandra's now on the landing page

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)09:02:08 No.3172015

  wait what did he actually do?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)09:07:58 No.3172017

  Read the post above yours, dummy.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)09:27:08 No.3172022

  >no one uses the homepage anymore
  >no one uses /s4s/ anymore
  it makes sense if you think about it

>> [_] esfores 11/05/16(Sat)10:02:53 No.3172032

  just realized this happened almost exactly 1 year (364 days desu) after we completed that
  summoning cirlel.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)11:25:41 No.3172067

  >It reminds me a little bit of how /b/ used to be

  we have ascended. it was always meant to be this way

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)11:48:38 No.3172071

  Its [s4s]

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)12:10:19 No.3172076

  >no one uses the homepage anymore

  >constant complaints all over the site by people that use the homepage about the new ads and
  extensions fucking up.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)12:37:05 No.3172081

  i had almost forgotten that s4s existed and i had never seen keksandra before but GOD DAMN it
  feels good to see a OC flash again that's directly related to 4chan

  we used to have these types of flashes quite often on /f/ in the past so seeing one again makes
  me really happy

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)13:02:52 No.3172091

  an april fools joke

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)13:06:34 No.3172092

  can't wait for newfags to ask what this flash is about in 2 years when someone randomly posts
  this because he won't know what it is either just by the filename

>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)13:10:55 No.3172093


>> [_] Anonymous 11/05/16(Sat)14:44:35 No.3172121

  It's like 2011 /b/ with less porn.
Created: 5/11 -2016 10:35:19 Last modified: 5/11 -2016 21:02:21 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:06:22