File: A Message from President-Elect Donald J. Trump.swf-(7.96 MB, 640x368, Other)
[_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:16:42 No.3179946
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:30:28 No.3179960
That sounds like a pretty solid plan for the first 100 days. Focusing on what he promised first,
absolutely nothing to do with the SJW bullshit, so they have NOTHING against him now.
Good job Trump, this'll be great for you Americans if he does a good job.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:34:19 No.3179961
That's one hell of a slow-zoom.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:38:07 No.3179963
>when your president is too slow-witted and clumsy to hold a press conference so he's relegated
to doing videos like some kind of dictator in exile
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:44:18 No.3179967
Solid stuff. Hillaryfags eat shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:44:42 No.3179968
what the fuck just happened
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:45:56 No.3179969
Sweet Jesus! I don't agree 100% with that list, but holy fuck! He isn't even in the White House
and he's getting more shit done than Obama did in 8 years!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:48:28 No.3179970
MAGA is booting up
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:51:30 No.3179974
I voted hillary, I didn't' want trump, but I don't really have many complaints with this plan.
I'm against the TPP, fuck it. I'd prefer we look into solar and wind energy where possible rather
than continuing to use limited resources where its not necessary. IDK how that +1-2 regulations
rule is gonna work out. I'm all for the lobbying restrictions. idk how the visa/greencard deal is
gonna go down though, that's probably gonna get a lot of backlash depending on how it is worded
and implemented.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:51:33 No.3179975
Holy shit.. in the short term, withdrawing from the TPP is going to be all clusterfucks on
deck... but actually in the longterm, it will be completely fucked.
In the end though, it's the worst fucking idea ever.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:53:20 No.3179976
yeah because president obama kept us informed on his golf game and his son tray
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:53:29 No.3179977
Isn't TPP the thing that would give piratefags a really hard time?
Also what are lobbyists?
Sorry for not knowing American government.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)20:55:31 No.3179978
What you rather watch, a short video where he quickly gets to say what he wants to say, or a
video which takes 10 minutes to deliver the same information because of a lack of structure,
people talking over each other constantly, the first minute being just preparing to speak, etc.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:01:17 No.3179981
I'd rather watch him get actually questioned on what he can get done, not say "I'm gonna do this,
I'm gonna do that, it's gonna be great" just like he did on the campaign trail. Donald has been
all promises this entire campaign, and it looks like he'll be all promises into his presidency.
A Youtuber could do what he did in this video. He doesn't seem to have the ability to handle
being questioned, which is why he hasn't held a press conference since July.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:05:54 No.3179982
Why should he?
Their questions are
And have nothing to do with his policies. Trump doesn't owe the media press conferences.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:07:37 No.3179984
It would give everyone a really hard time.
It's kind of like how regulations on internet pedophiles end up hitting everyone: the darknet
would go largely ignored if it wasn't for child porn, many sites could go unmoderated if it
didn't mean they'd risk becoming hosts of child porn, planting child porn on a hard drive to get
someone arrested would no longer be possible; the internet would become more relaxed if
pedophiles didn't ruin stuff for everyone.
Piracy is much more prevelant than pedophilia ever was, and copyright violations are everywhere,
thus tight regulations on piracy and copyright violations would fuck over the entire internet
big-time since big corporations would be able to directly moderate a huge portion of the
internet's content, and indirectly moderate pretty much the entire internet since a leverage over
a site can be gained by that site doing illegal stuff, kind of like how it's suspected that /b/
went to an alphabet agency due to all the pedophilia.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:18:24 No.3179990
TPP does a lot of stuff.
Basically it removes some tariffs by certain Pacific trading partners, meaning that companies in
each country make more money overall. It also addresses some stuff like overfishing, poaching,
and standardized product safety. However, it would also discourage stuff like cheap generic drugs
and other "no-no" products that are cheap but basically unregulated, and it gives companies a lot
of power when it comes to enforcing patent law. As for piracy, there are provisions that ISPs
will be required to make available the identity of pirates (most likely uploaders instead of
downloaders) after 3 strikes, upon the request of those whose copyright was infringed. So yes,
probably bad news for pirates if companies choose to aggressively sue.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:21:25 No.3179992
Uh, considering the media is how citizens learn about actually important shit going down 100% of
the time (because remember, you can't trust a government to police itself), yeah he does owe the
American people that. Or are you saying the thousands of press conferences held by every
president since Woodrow Wilson were a waste of time?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:24:24 No.3179993
You're implying a trade deal that's not the TPP can't be done bi-laterally with the countries in
question. It's not the TPP or nothing.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:26:54 No.3179994
Did Woodrow Wilson ever post to YouTube? How many citizens had Internet access back then? Yeah,
let's keep using a corrupt and outdated medium like the MSM rather than speaking to the public
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:27:31 No.3179996
If past presidents were as slandered as Donald Trump were, then you goddamn right those
presidents wouldn't have done press conferences.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:27:46 No.3179997
I'm in agreement with what he's saying here because there's really no other alternative but holy
fuck Donald you need to get better at reading from a teleprompter.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:28:33 No.3179998
yes, press conferences are a waste of time because the press is garbage and they don't police the
government for shit. I prefer him being to the point and concise like this. I can't stand
watching the news because it's just a bunch of faggots going on and on about their opinions on
what happened. just let me know what happened or is happening god damn.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:31:01 No.3180002
>Were a waste of time
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:39:12 No.3180004
Same desu
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:50:11 No.3180011
LOL Obama got aroudn 75% of his shit done in the first two years when he had a Dem majority in
congress. Trump had better be able to get shit done now, he has zero restrictions on his power.
If he can't, or if he's coopted by the GOP establishment, he'll have actually managed to do a
worse job. A significantly worse job, in fact.
Good luck. The alt-right has gotten exactly what it wants, and exactly what it deserves. And I'm
going to be laughing through all of it. Right up until the nukes start falling.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:51:58 No.3180012
TPP is shit, it would effectively give over portions of american sovereignty in exchange for
slightly better trade relations without having to negotiate each deal with most of the benefits
going to large multinational corps. since they had the wherewithal to lobby for specific items in
salaries, contracts and working relationships.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)21:53:18 No.3180013
Reminder that under Obama, race relations got worse than the pres. admins of either Reagan or Bush
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:03:13 No.3180020
People keep comparing Trump to Hitler...
Nobody remembers history. Hitler was only horrible if you weren't German. To the Germans, holy
fuck he was the shit... He took a broke and wrecked country, defeated and demoralized after WWI,
and rebuilt the infrastructure, put people to work, restored their dignity... He turned Germany
around and made them prosperous and strong in an amazingly short amount of time. Of course, all
the while eliminating his opponents or detractors with autistic precision. Building up in his
people's minds their superiority, which they craved and soaked up like flowers in the sun, while
dehumanizing jews, cripples, homosexuals, and minorities... And all the while secretly building
up Germany's war machine (which they were forbidden to have post WWI). Basically, Hitler turned
the fucking world upside down with tactics and ideas that had never been seen before. And for
Germany he was the greatest thing ever.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:04:33 No.3180021
Yeah how exactly? This conversation is already boring.. Violence increased as a pushback against
40-50 year old institutionalized violence and policy designed to fuck over anyone that wasn't
Leave It To Beaver.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:05:53 No.3180023
Why's that? Shouldn't America take charge of any trade deal it's involved with?
This still baffles me.
If Trump gets free reigns to conduct foreign policy, our country's gonna have fuuuuuuuuun!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:11:15 No.3180027
>Shouldn't America take ch..
No, we're cucks. Forget anyone else in the world overuses the word 'cuck' (forget the memes and
the jokes and the misinterpretation)...
We're cucks.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:18:51 No.3180031
>partnership with norks
so this is a copypasta right?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:22:58 No.3180033
>just let me know what happened or is happening
This. This is largely why people don't trust the media anymore. They don't just tell you what's
going on and let you form your own opinion, they want to give you their opinion as fact. Of
course, news outlets these days aren't actually trying to be a trustworthy source of news, they
just want to generate ad revenue and click bux.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:24:51 No.3180035
Which part.. the thing about german history? That's all true. The rest is just my guess about the
future.. A partnership between China and Japan is long overdue. Nanking and the back and forth
atrocities were a long long time ago, and will fall to the side when everyone starts to smell the
money in the air.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:27:43 No.3180037
>china and japan being allies
>japan and north korea being allies
well your guess about the future is shit because they hate each other with a passion. I don't
think japan even likes south korea
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:31:09 No.3180039
and see the thing is I actually like keeping up with current events, I just wish I could find a
proper news feed that was strictly "what happened". I don't even need a person reading it. just a
stream of data about events.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:32:03 No.3180040
>>So many things are going to go downhill, but think of how fast we'll be going!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:34:05 No.3180041
I'm not disagreeing with that at all. They'll never like each other.. I'm talking about
partnership not friendship. I've never seen more openly vocal racists in my life than asians,
holy shit. They don't give two fucks about shitting on each other.... But North America is
fucked. Russia's glory days are over, they'll break up soon when they destabilize. Europe holy
fuck they're screwed.. Asia is the only place making any ground, probably cause they study better
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:36:02 No.3180042
1000 years from now, humans in space will be eating ramen. Think Star Trek with an all-Sulu cast.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:39:06 No.3180043
and hell will freeze over and pigs will fucking fly before japan and north korea cooperate. you
underestimate asian hate.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)22:40:00 No.3180044
I feel you, family. I'm the same way. It'd be great to find something like that. Honestly, true
100% fact journalism is incredibly difficult to come by but it does still exist. I've only really
been able to find it from local sources though. Everything national/international is covered by
propaganda machine news stations.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)23:43:23 No.3180069
The only thing I don't like about this guy is the way he dresses and his attitude on video games.
Otherwise this guy is a less annoying(subjectively according to voice) Alex Jones/Info Wars. Too
bad he's Canadian.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/21/16(Mon)23:53:25 No.3180072
fuck wrong flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)00:12:23 No.3180074
If any of you godless freaks discussing bullshit on this thread are actually /f/ regulars, I hope
you get hit by a semi. /f/ is not a place to discuss this, so you really should fuck off back to
your own board.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)00:28:42 No.3180079
>BLM riots and all that hatemongering towards the popo any time they lay hands on a nigger etc.
Obongo was the pres thorugh all of that or are you gonna blame it on Trump too?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)00:34:18 No.3180083
people actually can't comprehend his rhetoric and racist shenanigans was just a strategy to win
the election. This is why he is one of the richest men in the world.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)00:47:50 No.3180090
>For every new regulation, 2 regulations need to be removed.
I came, this law pretty much kills corporate lobbying.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)01:01:51 No.3180100
He's gonna make corruption great again!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)01:08:32 No.3180103
Dammit, what about repealing gay marriage and taking everyone's heathcare and putting all the
Jews/Mudslimes/homos/non-whites in concentration camps like everyone said you would do? You're
letting us down, Drumpf!
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)01:21:41 No.3180111
Not really. Alex Jones has done some rather weird stuff like dress up as the Joker for one of his
shows, but he still has way more dignity than Mr.I build tables in my spare time.
Gavin has done all of the following on air:
pissed in cereal and ate it
spread his ass
shoved a microphone up spread ass
showed his erect dick
I think that Alex Jones wins the dignity contest and even though he may be a waterfilter
salesman, seems to be at least a little more genuine in his reporting, especially with the
semi-recent live coverage that other networks wouldn't show.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)01:54:11 No.3180124
>And for Germany he was the greatest thing ever.
and in 1945 he was dead and his capital city was a smoking hole in the ground so it's swings and
roundabouts really
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)03:18:17 No.3180160
Why is he so unstumpable
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)03:36:13 No.3180180
So many CTR people in tonight.
Please leave we know who you are.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)03:43:45 No.3180198
Nice repeating numbers
You'd think they would have taken the Happy Fun Pills™ (NOW WITH MORE CYANIDE!™) that they were
allotted in the event that Hilldog lost.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)04:07:03 No.3180237
What regulations is this refering to?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)04:54:37 No.3180330
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)04:55:06 No.3180332
make me, faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)05:08:54 No.3180361
Follow-up reminder, that the only people bringing up race in politics this election were the
Remind me again how the Trump campaign wasn't about racism?
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)05:09:56 No.3180364
You can thank right-wing Fox News for that.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)05:10:56 No.3180368
You can thank right-wing Fox News for that. Also Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and
Lou Dobbs.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)05:13:33 No.3180373
>only people bringing up race in politics
I remember a lot of accusations of racism against Trump, I'd say that counts as bringing race
into the election.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)05:18:14 No.3180380
A lot of accusations of racism in the face of a lot of racism by his supporters. Even Bill
O'Reilly can explain that.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)05:38:31 No.3180395
Sure there are racist supporters of Trump. but that doesn't mean he's racist.
Twisting his words so that they sound racist, such as those articles that say he suggested that
all Mexican immigrants are rapists, is not something which stems from his supporters.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)07:33:36 No.3180419
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)07:39:51 No.3180422
>he's for the TPP
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)07:42:57 No.3180425
the media, the same media that told us Hillary would win, that media
fuck them
> and they're still clinging to this "oh trump is installing all these racists and alt right
people! he's going to become hitler!"
it's over, Trump won, no do over
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)07:50:44 No.3180428
cool beans, thanks for posting this on /f/. i would not have seen it otherwise (im not american
and i dont seek out these things on youtube)
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)07:52:04 No.3180429
hey buddy, people wanted something different. you need a smack on the head for it to sink in?
this is different.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)07:56:08 No.3180431
to be fair it's not like it was a 1vs1 war
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)07:58:00 No.3180432
i dont like TPP for what it can do to vidya, here's a video for those interested
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)08:19:12 No.3180441
100 days my ass, that motherfucker got 4 years, he won't make it.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)08:21:07 No.3180442
That is the most logic i've hears so far. All he does is drone on and text at night, he won't
make the next 4 years.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/16(Tue)08:23:59 No.3180443
>he won't make the next 4 years
and i base that on absolutely nothing