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This is resource QMH0PLA, an Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/thread/3182711/furr Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17. Discovered flash files: 1
File: French furry bitches denying sincere love for money.swf-(9.98 MB, 1000x562, Loop) [_] furr Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)20:11:45 No.3182711 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)20:20:09 No.3182719 source????? >> [_] Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)20:53:22 No.3182737 http://kisscartoon.me/Cartoon/Dofus/Episode-046?id=14453 >> [_] Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)21:06:42 No.3182740 Man are these lyrics stupid. >> [_] Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)21:15:37 No.3182744 Dammit, I need some English subtitles... >> [_] Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)21:20:51 No.3182747 >>3182737 that explains why the animation looks like the wakfu series >> [_] Anonymous 11/28/16(Mon)21:25:55 No.3182750 >>3182740 you don't wanna know, dude >> [_] RIP Anon 11/29/16(Tue)00:50:26 No.3182828 Why is french so ass? I know this is basically kindergarten vocabulary, but it all sounds like long strings of nonsense syllables, not even words. >> [_] Anonymous 11/29/16(Tue)01:07:49 No.3182833 Jesus fuck man, hearing french sung is so hilariously awful. At least whatever lyrics these people are singing. >> [_] Anonymous 11/29/16(Tue)01:08:50 No.3182834 the only redeeming thing about this is the girl with the star over her eye is kinda cute. >> [_] Anonymous 11/29/16(Tue)01:17:23 No.3182837 >>3182834 This >> [_] Anonymous 11/29/16(Tue)01:49:52 No.3182855 Normally French gives me a boner, but this is kinda shit >> [_] Anonymous 11/29/16(Tue)02:15:16 No.3182866 >>3182833 The lyrics are the cause, but the language is at fault. They can make it work though. |