/ > /fap/ > Thread 10669
Age: 43.9d Health: 0% Posters: 7 Posts: 11 Replies: 7 Files: 1+3
>> Anonymous 28jan2017(sa)19:23 No.43663 OP P1
Sauce of this?
I can't find it
[IMG] cfb1b7b805135a33374d14fba4f1a11b6c181cc0ef0c13ba595...swf (1.01 MiB)
720x480, Compressed. 1090 frames, 30 fps (00:36).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 28jan2017(sa)19:37 No.43664 A P2R1
Minus 8
>> Anonymous 28jan2017(sa)19:40 No.43665 OP P3R2
Yeah, but where he posted it?
>> Anonymous 28jan2017(sa)19:55 No.43666 B P4
The same place he posts all his work...
>> Anonymous 28jan2017(sa)20:05 No.43667 OP P5
>> Anonymous 28jan2017(sa)20:13 No.43668 B P6
>> Anonymous 30jan2017(mo)07:33 No.43700 C P7R3
Minus 8 has to bounce from tumblr account to tumblr account due to South Korean anti-porn laws.
So no one here is going to give you a link to find Minus 8's current account out of fear of tipping
off the popo. But his(Her?) Flash stuff makes it's way here.
>> Anonymous 30jan2017(mo)08:32 No.43701 D P8R4
Stop it, it's not even a meme with -8.
He usually uploads his new stuff to 7chan's flash board.
>> sage 31jan2017(tu)05:22 No.43723 E P9R5
That's not why he does that, he has emo tirades and then deletes his tumblr.
>> Anonymous 4feb2017(sa)09:00 No.43816 C P10R6
No, I'm pretty sure it's to evade the popo.
>> Anonymous 5feb2017(su)04:49 No.43842 F P11R7
How does does deleting old and creating a new account help
>evade the popo?