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This is resource R3TYZ8K, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:23/10 -2016 14:10:08

Ended:16/12 -2016 15:03:25

Checked:16/12 -2016 15:12:57

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 18.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 9968

Age: 47.03d   Health: 0%   Posters: 9   Posts: 18   Replies: 12   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 23oct2016(su)14:06 No.40345 OP P1

Ass hunt round 2

Alright, boys. It's been over a year since the last time I posted this with a simple request: I
need to know the name of the girl dancing in the white dress/shirt with blue stripes.

I have searched high and low, but I cannot find this chick. I gotta know her name. It eats at me
every day. I have to find more material with her in it.

Will you help me, fellow /fap/pers?

[IMG] UpUpAss.swf (9.04 MiB)
416x240, Uncompressed. 4797 frames, 25 fps (03:12).
Ver6, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: No.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: Yes.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 23oct2016(su)14:09 No.40346 OP P2

timestamp 1:24-1:56 is the ass I am trying to identify.

>> Anonymous 23oct2016(su)14:16 No.40347 A P3R1

been on the same quest, sadly no results, i commend u on ur dedication

>> Anonymous 26oct2016(we)11:51 No.40451 OP P4R2

Shameless self bump.

>> Anonymous 28oct2016(fr)09:29 No.40501 B P5


>> Anonymous 29oct2016(sa)20:02 No.40545 C P6R3


What about the ass at 2:34

>> Anonymous 30oct2016(su)10:55 No.40564 OP P7R4

No idea. Looks like the site in the watermark is dead.

>> Anonymous 30oct2016(su)14:10 No.40567 D P8R5

the best konami code

>> Anonymous 30oct2016(su)14:10 No.40568 D P9

is this the konami code of the modern age?

>> Anonymous 2nov2016(we)10:15 No.40634 E P10R6


>> Anonymous 2nov2016(we)10:48 No.40637 OP P11R7

I guess because of the title. UpUpAss.

I didn't name the file. It was likely named that because of the lyrics of the song.

>> Anonymous 9nov2016(we)10:28 No.40960 OP P12

Desperation bump

>> Anonymous 9nov2016(we)12:19 No.40979 F P13R8

Don't give in,without a fight.

>> Anonymous 14nov2016(mo)11:04 No.41121 OP P14R9

I won't go gentle into that dark night.

>> Anonymous 16nov2016(we)05:09 No.41169 G P15R10

Sorry bro, I don't think that image quality is good enough to reverse image search. I tried though.

>> Anonymous 16nov2016(we)22:21 No.41181 OP P16R11

I appreciate the effort. I will find the owner of this ass some day.

>> Anonymous 24nov2016(th)11:19 No.41457 OP P17

One last bump for awareness, then I will let this die.

>> Anonymous 24nov2016(th)17:23 No.41461 H P18R12

I suggest instead of searching for that specific girl, search for an earlier version of this flash

but then again you've likely thought of that so
Created: 23/10 -2016 14:10:08 Last modified: 16/12 -2016 15:18:41 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:17:03