File: ukigumo.swf-(3.62 MB, 640x360, Other)
[_] Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)00:51:39 No.3199615
whats with all the malicious ads on swfchan
>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)00:56:53 No.3199618
Nobody else to fill their shoes.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)01:12:52 No.3199633
I guess the dude needs to make those server payments somehow.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)01:57:10 No.3199660
Surprisingly not a lot of people wants to advertise on a website full of loli and furry porn.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)01:59:13 No.3199662
tfw you try to open a flash and get a livejasmin tab and some other empty tab
>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)02:28:24 No.3199673
is there a reason not to take direct donations from 4chan users?
like, does Japan tax it to death or something?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)02:34:09 No.3199675
I'm not sure. I'll ask him.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)03:14:00 No.3199683
that worked great for 4chan
>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)09:48:12 No.3199770
What does Japan have to do with it?
afaik the owner of, Ants, is from Finland
>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)11:47:27 No.3199791
Thanks for posting this flash, makes me happy for some reason.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/10/17(Tue)12:59:09 No.3199812
swfchan does accept donations via patreon