File: unbanned.swf-(596 KB, 512x470, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)07:26:36 No.3200115
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] /b/astard 01/11/17(Wed)08:03:16 No.3200121
Ohhh I know that feel all too well, I just got out of a year and a half long ban
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)08:07:14 No.3200123
>year and a half
how the fuck did it not help you?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)08:26:39 No.3200132
What the fuck do you even post to get a year and a half ban.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)08:28:35 No.3200133
probably told a mod that his shoelace was untied
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)08:28:54 No.3200135
What the cuck?
How did you do that?
I only got 3 days for posting Yotsuba sex.
Apparently the mods have no sense of humor
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)09:00:48 No.3200138
>posting lewds of THE ONE
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)09:09:01 No.3200140
fuck her
right in the pooper
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)09:14:54 No.3200144
>posting pr0n of your daughter
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)09:16:49 No.3200146
as if that changes anything
internet simply needs more porn!
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)09:58:58 No.3200156
it's a -8 edit too, double-trouuble :^)
that's exactly how it went
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)10:07:21 No.3200158
Broke like seven global rules, it was 9/11 2015
I told the mods I was sorry
It was /b/ how was I supposed to know mods are there
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)10:10:29 No.3200161
fuck, /b/ has mods now?
The times, they are a-changing...
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)10:11:25 No.3200162
>posting a shitty edit of -8
he should have gotten a life sentence
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)10:38:38 No.3200174
what did you do post pony sex tattoed on a little girl's butt printed out on a paper with
someone's IP, phone number and address while if you don't respond to this you will never have a
girlfriend or grillfriend ever with links to a-talk?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)10:43:03 No.3200179
Ehh sorta but it was before the whole 'IF YOU DON'T RESPOND TO THE POST YOU …" became a meme
And god no I wouldn't post mlp shit in /b/, it's belongs in the /trash/
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)10:53:52 No.3200192
that's exactly what a pony cp spammer script kiddie would say.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)10:55:52 No.3200194
OwO They're on to me
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)10:55:53 No.3200195
ponyshit is the best kind of shitposting, next to /pol/faggotry.
It angers the natives something fierce.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)10:59:18 No.3200196
the only good /mlp/ content is fluffy abuse
always makes me warm inside
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)11:01:44 No.3200200
>Back to
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)11:02:50 No.3200201
>Implying fluffy abuse is mlp
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)11:05:49 No.3200203
Do you have a cap of the ban?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)11:09:45 No.3200205
On my home computer but not where I am now, I edited out what I was banned for and my IP address
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)11:11:51 No.3200207
>I edited out what I was banned for
That's what I wanted to see, dang.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)11:20:46 No.3200212
>getting banned on an anonymous imageboard
>not basically just shutting your router, then opening it again to get a new IP adress
>being braindead enough to have static IP
>actually waiting a year
KEK be KEK!!! nice autism bro :)
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)11:22:37 No.3200214
>who's that pokemon?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)11:22:58 No.3200215
> implying I give two shits about being banned on 4chan
> my router is owned by another person and I didn't feel like asking them to unplug it for five
minutes and plug it back in cause I got banned from /b/
> calls someone autistic, for deciding not to post on 4chan
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)11:24:43 No.3200216
you dont have to unplug it for 5 minutes. only like 20 seconds is enough
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)11:24:58 No.3200217
and alas here you are
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)11:26:06 No.3200219
I just turn it off and immediately turn it on, nothing to wait for
>> [_] /b/astard 01/11/17(Wed)12:17:43 No.3200228
Yeah but it's only out of boredom, plus I would've been posting at school regardless
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)12:27:27 No.3200229
>browses /b/
underage b&
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)13:55:51 No.3200253
Could be college
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)14:13:32 No.3200264
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)14:17:39 No.3200268
This song is really sweet
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)14:18:46 No.3200269
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)14:32:42 No.3200274
>not /mlp/
chaotic evil dubs checked
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)14:41:14 No.3200277
Graphic Design college
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)14:47:39 No.3200280
dont find it? really need the artist
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)15:07:13 No.3200285
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)15:46:27 No.3200303
thank you <3
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)16:23:39 No.3200312
It's Feng Shui you baka FUKKIN' gaijan
whiteu piggu go homu and stay homu
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)16:31:47 No.3200315
>having the same IP for over a year
>> [_] Anonymous 01/11/17(Wed)16:39:31 No.3200318
Anybody wan tto try and crack /j/?
Secret mod board that's not so secret.