Archived flashes:
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This is resource TO8VFZN, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:2/12 -2016 06:38:07

Ended:2/12 -2016 18:49:06

Checked:2/12 -2016 20:38:19

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: disco shit.swf-(9.29 MB, 720x404, Other)
[_] uploading this classic for y'all. have a nice weekend Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)00:30:35 No.3183971

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)00:35:49 No.3183972

  >only posted ~70 times

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)00:37:31 No.3183974

  some people have more things to do in life than lurk 24/7 in a chinese flash board

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)01:04:03 No.3183979

  Yeah but those people don't come to /f/

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)03:09:18 No.3183997

  Ay this is my first time seeing this, im in love

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)03:11:01 No.3183998

  Thanks anon, it's one of my favs

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)07:15:45 No.3184023

  This never fails to impress me, why must I be so simple.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)08:33:17 No.3184031

  even when posting this 3dpd flv shit, at least don't rename

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)08:44:28 No.3184034

  I wonder what her dad thinks...

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)08:51:56 No.3184035

  Probably should ask what her son thinks instead

  Look up RichelleQuincyK
  >Full time MOM
  >still only engaged to "best friend"

  Single mom, what a shocker

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)10:33:07 No.3184043

  Can someone please explain what makes this so special?
  It's everywhere and I can't see why.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)11:06:10 No.3184048

  Not Animu

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)11:56:44 No.3184057

  Because some of us older folk reminisco about the quality drugs and hardcore/gabber of the LA
  warehouse rave scene of the late 90's and early 2k.

  Which was full of chicks like her who were attention whory as fuck and high as fuck and made of
  rubber joints and would probably suck your dick for a pill and a bottle of water.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)12:06:24 No.3184060

  Doesn't sound like my thing, really.
  Thanks anyways.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)12:23:51 No.3184066


  >gogo dancer
  >not stripper


>> [_] Anonymous 12/02/16(Fri)12:45:39 No.3184074

  if it was posted 50 times in a row back in 2014, that would be a fuck ton. "Classic" doesn't mean
  it's popular 24/7
Created: 2/12 -2016 06:38:07 Last modified: 2/12 -2016 20:38:24 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:32:53