File: tru jongrumps.swf-(813 KB, 800x450, Hentai)
[_] game grumps rule 34 01/05/17(Thu)23:24:49 No.3197940
got fired from my job of 4 years. i probably worked harder than anyone else in that building, yet
I was making minimum wage
found this on my external and lol'd. I used to animate a lot. trying to build my passion back and
possibly start a career.
very shit, but took less than 4 hours to make.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/06/17(Fri)01:01:20 No.3197993
Wer is Gooby, faget!
>> [_] Anonymous 01/06/17(Fri)01:34:08 No.3198006
What sort of work were you doing?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/06/17(Fri)01:50:49 No.3198014
Minimum wage just got increased in many states, you probably have that to blame.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/06/17(Fri)03:20:10 No.3198042
Thank Obama for the increase in minimum wage.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/06/17(Fri)11:06:08 No.3198131
Grocery store. I would separate 6 palettes, 900 pieces onto different u-boats for night crew to
put the shelves. While taking calls, keeping the store neat, taking in trucks for the rest of the
stores departments cause no one does dick. I was easily underpaid $5 for what I was doing. My
fault for treating a dead end job with respect.
Yup. . .
Don't forget Obamacare. I worked 47 hours a week, but because my 26 rolling week average was
under 40 they didn't have to give me any benefits