/ > /fap/ > Thread 10291
Age: 14.34d Health: 0% Posters: 15 Posts: 29 Replies: 24 Files: 1+3
>> Pasha1001 16dec2016(fr)09:11 No.42148 OP P1
Zone Mavis - Pasha1001 Edit
More files and source-files like .fla/.moho at: https://mega.nz/#F!xwBThAgB!WMe10ifSHlQWcgAmmfierA
Zone Mavis Pasha1001_EDIT.swf (3.59 MiB)
1280x720, Compressed. 15 frames, 24 fps (00:01).
Ver15, AS3. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: No. Audio: Yes. Video: No. <METADATA>
[find in archive]
>> Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)13:30 No.42156 A P2R1
What's the point? It's buggy and the sound quality is lower than the original?
>> Pasha1001 16dec2016(fr)17:00 No.42173 B P3R2
What kind of bug?
Thx for noting the audio I made a V2. Didn't realize the project settings were set on low.
The point is I don't like watching guys doing it, even if they aren't real. Hence the nick pasha.
I've made tons of these edits over the years and they've been flying around on HDD. I decided to
upload everything for everyone with the same problem/taste. But since everybody seems pissed that
I upload these, I'll just fix up and upload the ones that are almost done.
>> Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)17:16 No.42174 C P4R3
and you're writing everywhere the same text
are you here for the first time? if not, then you should know that every edit should stay
nameless... who cares for your nickname? just upload as anonymous and not guyshater1001-whateve
>> Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)17:24 No.42175 D P5R4
Have you ever considered that maybe not everyone is an insecure little faggot? Better yet, that
maybe you're the only one, and your spamming the site with ancient flash files is pissing
everyone else off to a great extent?
>> Kralser 16dec2016(fr)17:41 No.42178 E P6R5
Wow I really liked it, I really wanted to have an option to disable the music, thank you very
much for editing
>> Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)17:43 No.42180 F P7
Get the fuck out of here faggot.
>> Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)20:23 No.42191 G P8R6
If you would combine 10 of them into a single SWF with a scene selector at the beginning THEN we
would praise you. Much better to have few swfs with a ton of content instead of a ton of swfs
with small edits to swfs we've already seen before.
>> Pasha1001 16dec2016(fr)20:52 No.42199 B P9R7
Some of the edits took many many hours to make because I had to redraw a lot of stuff. One thing
I learned form doing all those edits is that there is a shit ton of work in there. I'm not trying
to take any credit for the original files. Everyone has my respect and support but it's not like
anyone would have cut the dudes out if I had asked them. You can barbecue my ass on the sun but
I'm still gonna post the files because I know that there are others that don't like to look at
dudes doing it. I put my name on the files so others that have the same taste as I have something
to search for.
>> Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)21:36 No.42202 C P10R8
shit ton of work?
hours and hours??
deleting some shapes and/or sprites needs only seconds.. what program are you using? paint?
just use jpexs or swishmax.. it's fukkin' free...
>> Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)21:39 No.42203 D P11R9
>You can barbecue my ass on the sun
no problemo
>Some of the edits took many many hours to make because I had to redraw a lot of stuff.
No one asked you to, bitch-lord. That time would have been better spent on original creations
lacking in male bodies as much as you wish. Sky's the limit!
>I put my name on the files so others that have the same taste as I have something to search for.
Makes sense. Pasha is Turkish for "no-dude", after all. The first thing any sane person unable to
fap to porn without floating dicks in them would do is search for *name* *edit* *pasha*.
There are no others, btw, at least not on this board, as your target audience consists
exclusively of boys aged fourteen or less who haven't come to grips with their sexuality. I
suggest uploading to newgrounds, then -- their traditional breeding ground.
>> Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)21:39 No.42204 D P12
>You can barbecue my ass on the sun
no problemo
>Some of the edits took many many hours to make because I had to redraw a lot of stuff.
No one asked you to, bitch-lord. That time would have been better spent on original creations
lacking in male bodies as much as you wish. Sky's the limit!
>I put my name on the files so others that have the same taste as I have something to search for.
Makes sense. Pasha is Turkish for "no-dude", after all. The first thing any sane person unable to
fap to porn without floating dicks in them would do is search for *name* *edit* *pasha*.
There are no others, btw, at least not on this board, as your target audience consists
exclusively of boys aged fourteen or less who haven't come to grips with their sexuality. I
suggest uploading to newgrounds, then -- their traditional breeding ground.
>> Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)21:42 No.42205 D P13
Sorry for the double and triple post. That was my b.
>> Pasha1001 16dec2016(fr)22:58 No.42211 B P14R10
You know what!? Since you have the nerve to speak for everyone here all the time, I'll post even
more just to piss you off! I'm also done talking, I really understand why -8 doesn't post
anywhere now.
>> Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)23:10 No.42212 C P15R11
you are no comparism to -8.. what he does is art.. what you do is crap! he gives us real art and
you give us a bucket full of shit! copied, decompiled, edited and reposted shit..
you are nothing more than a faggot... not an artist, not aa human, just a whole sea of
>> Anonymous 16dec2016(fr)23:56 No.42217 H P16R12
man someone has not gotten laid in a while.
>> Pasha1001 17dec2016(sa)00:01 No.42218 B P17R13
I take it back. I just need to reply to ya! It's just too much fun seeing you piss yourself that
much. So I'm no comparison to -8??? No Really??? Who would have thought??? So I can't get him
because I'm just a lowly edit guy that has the nerve to put a nickname on those blasphemous
no-guy edits even though swfchan has the option to do so?
Everyone stop doing any kind of edits !!! ASAP !!! Beware! If you add a nickname other than
Anonymous and make those edits in a way that 'this Anonymous guy that is harassing me because I
told him to "Just google it"' doesn't like, he's is gonna go all nuclear on your ass.
>> Anonymous 17dec2016(sa)00:22 No.42220 C P18R14
i know why he is spamming/flooding this board...
7chan has extreme limits...
>> Anonymous 17dec2016(sa)02:03 No.42223 G P19R15
If you are wondering what people are upset over I have the answer right here: Just google it.
>> Anonymous 17dec2016(sa)05:06 No.42233 I P20R16
Not bad.
Good for people who have an aversion to seeing weirdly round doods in their porn.
Also getting to activate the cum scene by clicking is a nice touch.
Decent edit overall.
>> Anonymous 17dec2016(sa)12:54 No.42244 A P21R17
(Original question asking anon here)
Whoops, I started a shitstorm, lulz.
>> Anonymous 17dec2016(sa)14:44 No.42246 C P22R18
that's where his "life" began:
>> Anonymous 17dec2016(sa)15:42 No.42249 F P23
You started nothing.
We know who you are.
You don't belong here.
Fuck off.
>> Anonymous 17dec2016(sa)16:26 No.42258 D P24R19
Hold the phone for a minute. I need to google "hissy fit."
>> Anonymous 19dec2016(mo)21:33 No.42322 J P25R20
i didnt get what where you doing with these edits... for some reason didn't saw the lack of male
bodies haha
>> Anonymous 20dec2016(tu)00:02 No.42323 K P26R21
Keep it up! and don't mind about the cunts that complain about your works
>> Anonymous 20dec2016(tu)05:13 No.42326 L P27R22
>Samefagging this hard
>> Anonymous 20dec2016(tu)08:14 No.42331 M P28R23
Holy shit lmao
>> Anonymous 20dec2016(tu)23:23 No.42346 N P29R24
I will be honest that I wanted this one but like 90% of what you're posting is trash. If you're
gonna remove gross dudes from SWF's at least post ones that need it and are of actual quality.
Mainly I'm fine with actual attractive guys but I dont wanna see frakenstein man....