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This is resource WCW5DQW, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:8/11 -2016 18:28:25

Ended:9/11 -2016 00:58:17

Checked:9/11 -2016 03:11:32

Original location:…
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: The Truth.swf-(9.85 MB, 1280x712, Other)
[_] There is no democracy. There is no america. 11/08/16(Tue)12:19:39 No.3173527

  There is only IBM, ITT, AT&T, Dupont, Dow, Union Carbide, and Exxon.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)12:28:33 No.3173531

  how was school today son? did you make friends at recess?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)12:35:37 No.3173532



>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)12:45:09 No.3173535

  You guys whine about it self-righteously when you don't have money, then act like others are
  whining losers when you do.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)13:53:31 No.3173552

  It always makes me laugh when Americans think they have a true democracy.

  Funnier yet that the system currently electing their new president was changed to make it easier
  to jew yourself in to presidency, a thing the founding fathers did not want when creating the
  electoral system.
  When one state implemented that system, the whole country implemented it besides a couple, I
  think. I think Maine was one that stayed true.

  Equally there is only a couple states left that allow the other party members elected to keep
  their position in that region, but they still need to carry out the decisions of the winning
  In the end, they wouldn't exactly want to sabotage them because all they are doing is making
  their local area poorer and shittier, so they carry them out.

  Oh well. Not going to change any time soon. Money runs America now.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)15:24:45 No.3173572

  Happy Halloween Everybody

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)17:15:29 No.3173641

  >It always makes me laugh when Americans think they have a true democracy.

  It's not just america, there is no "true" democracy in the world, and for good reason, "true"
  democracy sucks

  >a thing the founding fathers did not want when creating the electoral system

  the electoral college was created by the founding fathers for the exact reason that you criticize.

  >I think Maine was one that stayed true

  I don't even know what you're trying for here, but the polling procedure as it exists today is
  more democratic than it has ever been in all states, still shit, but certainley better than it
  used to be

  >Equally there is only a couple states left that allow the other party members elected to keep
  their position in that region

  yeah, again democracy sucks, whats new

  >they wouldn't exactly want to sabotage them because all they are doing is making their local
  area poorer and shittier

  actually that happens all the time

  >Money runs America now
  money runs the world, and it always has

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)17:36:14 No.3173651

  A rogue candidate just blew into the primaries, crushed all of his parties well groomed golden
  boys, took the nomination despite party heads' opposition, has been spitting in the face of the
  establishment for over a year and is about 50/50 to take the Oval Office and you're sitting there
  in your mom's basement complaining that there's no democracy? I'd tell you to get off your ass
  and vote for Trump, but I can tell that you've never even bothered to register.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)18:40:52 No.3173683

  >money runs the world, and it always has

  No, money was a tool to simplify trading.

  There is over 4 billion humans on this planet that don't care for the global financial world.
  They either barter or use local currencies not traded internationally.
  No, these places aren't backwards shitholes either.
  In fact, most of these peoples have higher qualities of life than most Americans and Europeans.
  Many people in the "developed" world use local currencies to boost their own productivity and
  life. There's thousands of the things.

  But shhh, don't tell the media this.
  They don't like the truth.
  They just want you to think everyone outside of the "first world" is a poorfag with a worthless,
  punishing existence because they can't have 5 iPads.
  Most of the 1.5 billion+ people living in poverty are FROM the first world.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/08/16(Tue)18:53:20 No.3173690

  Told status: affirmative
Created: 8/11 -2016 18:28:25 Last modified: 9/11 -2016 03:11:41 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:22:38