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This is resource WHSNV9M, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:5/1 -2017 00:12:20

Ended:23/2 -2017 19:27:04

Checked:23/2 -2017 19:35:57

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13.
Discovered flash files: 1

/ > /fap/ > Thread 10551

Age: 42.8d   Health: 0%   Posters: 10   Posts: 13   Replies: 12   Files: 1+2

>> Anonymous 5jan2017(th)00:07 No.43045 OP P1

made some edits of the ppppu flashes posted on 7chan a few months ago

same deal as the last one, removed the music because holy fuck it was loud and i think i may have
modified a few things? i don't remember, i did both of these like a month ago
it's interactive, the buttons are hidden off the side so you'll have to open it in your browser or

[IMG] Royalty_PPPPU_interactive_nomusic_buggy.swf (1.54 MiB)
480x720, Compressed. 2760 frames, 30 fps (01:32).
Ver10, AS1/AS2. Network access: No. Text: Yes.
Bitmaps: Yes. Audio: Yes. Video: No.
[find in archive]

>> Anonymous 7jan2017(sa)01:38 No.43096 A P2R1

Just a tip. Rosalina isn't royalty.

>> Anonymous 7jan2017(sa)02:53 No.43098 B P3R2

but she has a crown? i havent played any later mario games

>> Anonymous 7jan2017(sa)17:22 No.43112 A P4R3

Yeah, the design is stupid, considering. Basically she's one of the producer's mary sues that got
sneaked into the game when nobody was looking. Her original design was going to look more like a
fairy godmother from disney before she got this more "edgy" look. Her role is pretty much
"babysitter of the stars" at this point, but she isn't referred to as a princess in official
sources, just Rosalina.

>> Anonymous 9jan2017(mo)19:31 No.43170 C P5R4

Regardless of technicalities you'd still group her in with Peach and Daisy 90% of the time.

>> Anonymous 10jan2017(tu)03:31 No.43180 D P6R5

Tbh Rosalina is my favourite

>> Anonymous 10jan2017(tu)17:37 No.43196 A P7R6

I wouldn't. I'd group her with Pauline. In the "we really don't need you here anymore" category.

>> Anonymous 11jan2017(we)04:09 No.43225 E P8R7

Too bad Nintendo doesn't think that way. They love pushing and promoting Rosalina as one of their
favorite characters. Meanwhile, Zelda fans get shat on while we actively petition for Midna to come
back ;_;

>> Anonymous 12jan2017(th)14:12 No.43249 F P9R8

>not liking space gaia

>> Anonymous 12jan2017(th)17:43 No.43252 A P10R9

The reason Rosalina gets pushed so hard is because the person who made her is the current producer
of the Mario games.

And Space Gaia my ass. All she is is entertainment for the lumas. If anything she's throwing off
the balance of the cosmos because she's eating what the lumas need to function as the building
blocks of the cosmos. Why do you think there are so many starving luma in Mario Galaxy?

>> Anonymous 28jan2017(sa)00:01 No.43643 G P11R10

for half a second i thought the green spotlight blur in the background was fart gas and scared

>> Anonymous 31jan2017(tu)07:24 No.43724 H P12R11

How the fuck is this interactive

>> Anonymous 31jan2017(tu)15:22 No.43730 I P13R12

Stretch your window, the buttons are off to the right
Created: 5/1 -2017 00:12:20 Last modified: 23/2 -2017 19:41:09 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:29:46