File: Updates_Are_off_limits.swf-(4.07 MB, 320x240, Loop)
[_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)02:18:20 No.3192171
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)02:26:22 No.3192174
thank you
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)05:13:23 No.3192226
>Obama, you fucking nigger!
kek, every time
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)05:17:20 No.3192228
please stop posting SFM
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)05:22:20 No.3192230
fuck off back to /mlp/
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)08:14:43 No.3192263
fuck off back to plebbit or wherever your containment place is
SFM is cancer and everyone enjoying it is underage, it was cool three years ago
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)08:21:40 No.3192265
>waaah, this thing is popular now
>I hate it, fuck you for enjoying something!
Shut the fuck up
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)08:27:38 No.3192267
literally no one else but (you) enjoy this cancerous shit
>be severely autistic
>cringe the moment this flash obviously designed for 10 year olds starts playing
pick one, you fucking faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)08:31:39 No.3192270
Go back to /pol/. Seriously.
Then go back to Raddit.
You fags stick out like a sore thumb.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)08:36:16 No.3192273
plebbit is the source of this cancer, and if anyone should be redirected there, it's you
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)08:37:41 No.3192274
Protip, newcunt, the majority of the people that make these things came from here, literally here
as in /f/, as well as /v/, /e/ and /jp/.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)08:43:47 No.3192275
>implying i'm newer than you
>implying rage comics isn't cancer that originated here, was fun for a while, then hosted
somewhere else till normies got hold of it, ultimately creating pure cringe
>implying the exact same thing hasn't happened with SFM
the best example to make you realize how big of an autist you are would be an 18 year old grown
man still playing with action figures.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)08:48:18 No.3192277
>b-b-but it's popular now! It's terrible!
>I can't enjoy things other people are enjoying!!
Literally you.
There's fucking 80 year olds that still play with action figures. Argument invalid.
People like collecting things. And playing with them.
You wouldn't know that, poorfag lmao
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)08:55:40 No.3192281
i'm saying that this is cringe, and 80 year olds still playing with action figures doesn't cancel
out my initial argument on how autistic it is, nor does pointing out how i, WE supposedly don't
like this shit because it's popular, to which i clearly said that it was cool at some point when
it wasn't made to be cringe material, but when it spread to sites like plebbit and normies, the
cringe variety of it got mass manufactured to the point where literally none of it is enjoyable
anymore, and you would understand that if you've been around for more than a year
just do us all a favor and stop posting this shit, you're almost worse than those who
unironically rename filenames
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)09:01:05 No.3192283
>b-b-but normies are making SFM vids now, that invalidates the whole thing!!!
Also, I will continue to rename flash files to piss fags like you off.
Learn to save your shit properly and it won't be a problem.
I bet you are one of those retarded fucks that saves all your flash files in the one folder.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)09:05:11 No.3192284
>implying those are my arguments
you newfriends are impossible to communicate with, even your comprehension of basic arguments is
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)09:09:27 No.3192285
It literally is your argument.
It boils down to you hating things because they became popular.
>mass manufactured to the point where literally none of it is enjoyable anymore
Suddenly one group is creating content that it invalidates older content. You're a contrarian
petulant child.
You even typed cringe and autistic as serious insults against it.
How awful. You're an actual meme.
How long you actually been here? 2010 right? Go the fuck back, cunt.
Also, before you scream newfag again, I'm the reason this board has seen an influx in old and new
content again. I've been archiving imageboard culture before you even had internet, fgt.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)09:10:51 No.3192287
>I'm the reason this board has seen an influx in old and new content again
>posts plebbit cringe
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)09:12:54 No.3192288
I never even posted this. I don't even like SFM shit. I've always hated it, unlike you,
contrarian kiddy.
I've always hated non-flash flash uploads on /f/.
Even when it was just loops from anime with music.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)10:01:18 No.3192299
You are a cunt
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)10:03:48 No.3192300
This is you. This banner was made for you.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)10:36:15 No.3192306
>autistic shrieking noises
fuck off newfag
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)10:39:43 No.3192307
Stay made, newfag.
Go back to your containment board.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)10:40:52 No.3192308
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)10:41:23 No.3192309
Reminder that cringe is a shibboleth for twitch/reddit, ignore all posts that use it unironically.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)10:45:02 No.3192312
>can't even greentext properly
Yep, new.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)10:46:25 No.3192313
>being this mad
get help
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)10:47:26 No.3192314
I am the help, and you are unwell. You've got cancer. It is fatal.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)11:03:31 No.3192321
go be an autist somewhere else you stupid faggot
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)11:06:05 No.3192323
what's going on in this thread?
>28 / 0 / 9 / 1
enjoying christmas on /f/ like never before, I see
>> [_] Anonymous 12/22/16(Thu)11:06:50 No.3192324
please commit suicide