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Happy New Year!

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This is resource XS2VRJP, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:16/12 -2016 05:51:01

Ended:16/12 -2016 06:52:36

Checked:16/12 -2016 16:20:43

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File: smoothsgay.swf-(7.44 MB, 319x178, Loop)
[_] Another recipe inside Anonymous 12/15/16(Thu)23:41:06 No.3189574

  Recipe tiem
  So after pouring through my stash I couldn't find a sooper gay recipe apart for bowl of dicks;
  but really that is just hot dogs in a bowl because you can't afford buns.
  So quiche lorraine is what we'll make today.
  If you don't know what a quiche is that's okay. It is really just a fancy egg custardish savory
  thing and frankly is pretty damn good.

  You gon need

  Pint of heavy cream
  16 oz (bag o' shredf ched) for once please try and not use velveta or american
  1 white onion diced fine
  Bacon, I try and go with center cut a package from your local mart will do but if you can get the
  good shit by all means
  Premade refrig/Frozen pie crust (these things save my ass so much time) I used Pillsbury ones last
  cinnamon 1/2 tsp
  3-4 eggs depending on size
  some butter

  Oven at 350F / 177C

  First in a small pot your gonna wanna pour the cream in and bring to almost a boil and then take
  it off and let it cool
  This is scalding it and it will feel bad about what it did and some other shit about breaking
  sugar chains for texture idk

  Cook your bacon up in a pan and get it crispy but try not to burn it.
  Sometimes I cut it up before I cook it and it helps me make a more bacon bits style texture
  You can also cook breakfast sausage instead and crumble it
  but be sure to drain the excess oil or you will have a drippy mess that will not impress anyone.

  Next In a pie pan lay out 1 pie crust and rub some butter around in it, not too much don't get
  Cover the bottom in a layer of diced onion
  Sprinkle meat of choice in (you can add steamed broccoli broccoli fleurettes here as well )
  Add cheese

  Now crack your eggies one by one into the cooled (room temp) cream whisking gently one by one.
  you want to mix them throughly but not beat the hell out of them
  add pinch of salt and pepper
  sprinkle cinnamon
  mix again
  Pour into pie crust
  Mix every again very gently to kinda get everything distributed

  Bake that shit for 20-30 min
  Serve with baguettes (also from a freezer in my case)

>> [_] Anonymous 12/16/16(Fri)00:03:35 No.3189582

  ^my new favorite 4chan thing^

>> [_] Heaven 12/16/16(Fri)00:51:09 No.3189607

  Now this is podracing
Created: 16/12 -2016 05:51:01 Last modified: 16/12 -2016 16:20:55 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:35:51