Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource YOH0JWE, an Archived Thread.
Discovered:3/11 -2016 03:29:50

Ended:3/11 -2016 07:20:23

Checked:3/11 -2016 07:55:42

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 30.
Discovered flash files: 1

File: No More Medicine v2.swf-(3.18 MB, 500x377, Loop)
[_] I'm done No More Medicine v2 11/02/16(Wed)22:24:43 No.3170667

  Sorry it took so long. Depression hinders productivity. Click it to change it.

Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)22:49:45 No.3170682

  This is so simple but also so beautiful. Made one of my favorite flashes even better, thanks OP.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)22:49:47 No.3170683

  fuck and i thought the high pitched one was sad

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)22:56:35 No.3170687

  You're welcome

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)23:15:17 No.3170709

  Can you make it so the song doesn't restart when you change between songs? Might be too hard

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)23:22:51 No.3170716

  Sorry, that's outside of my skill set. It took me an hour to do this much.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)23:30:59 No.3170726

  Thanks m8, it's everything I could ask for

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)23:31:48 No.3170728

  how 2 edit flashes, someone tell me?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)23:36:03 No.3170731

  i like it

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)23:36:44 No.3170732

  You're welcome as well

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)23:47:18 No.3170738

  Can you make it so Yes makes it the pink one and No makes it the dark one?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)23:48:26 No.3170739

  oh also i really love it

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)23:52:13 No.3170740

  good shit op
  flash is a dying art form and most of it can be replaced by /wsg/, but it's stuff like this that
  makes me want to keep /f/ around

>> [_] Anonymous 11/02/16(Wed)23:55:28 No.3170744

  I could try that, shouldn't be too hard.
  Thanks, it means a lot

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)00:10:49 No.3170754

  hey how to flash

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)00:40:21 No.3170775

  Nice job OP. Made a nice flash even better.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)00:44:42 No.3170778

  You will have to wait a few days though. Can't do it right now.
  Thanks, glad you peeps like it

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)00:50:58 No.3170781

  Preddy gud m8, noice OC.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)00:54:12 No.3170782


>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)01:09:00 No.3170786

  oh ok, I'll wait. This medicine flash means a lot to me and I'm glad you've created this.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)01:22:26 No.3170796

  Hey OP, send this shit to Joji. I'm sure he'd like it.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)01:23:44 No.3170799

  Thanks again. I'm gonna go get some rest now.
  I might just do that.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)01:28:29 No.3170805

  enjoy your night anon. take care.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)01:29:37 No.3170807

  Thanks, OP.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)01:31:44 No.3170808

  is their anyway to download this flash? if so i would love to know.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)01:35:32 No.3170810


  Are, a-are you serious?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)01:36:27 No.3170811

  right click the link (not the embed link) and click "Save link as...".

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)01:44:09 No.3170815

  glad I haven't drank a lot more tonight fantastic work anon.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)01:49:14 No.3170816

  You can take the starting time the flash was opened, along with the current time.
  Shift the numbers so that the starting time is relative to 0, and similarly for the current time.

  Modulo the current time against the length of the song. The result will be the position in the
  song that you restart at.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/03/16(Thu)02:14:13 No.3170825

  You make it in Flash
Created: 3/11 -2016 03:29:50 Last modified: 3/11 -2016 07:55:53 Server time: 08/03 -2025 07:57:01